1/10 clips from helmet cam during pilot whale rescue Lochboisdale, Uist. Approx 18 in on Friday 12. @UistSeaTours, @MowiScotlandLtd & volunteers refloated 10 but lost 7/8.

I arrived Saturday 13.

9 coming ashore, 1 was on own elsewhere. Priority the 9 then get 1 back. @BDMLR
2/10 Assessing stranded whales for injuries and cause of stranding. try to avoid them drowning or fully drying out as tide dropped. Look for relationships - suspect this was mother & calf. Work priorities refloat order.

@strandings @HWDT_org @whalesorg @BBCHighlands @Dolphinchaz
3/10 Though limited swimming space, stranded whales that panic can dive and drown in shallows. Need to watch for this and try to calm them back to surface. Others calling further out.

@cathgem2000 @SunnysidePri @SaversSea @Seasaver @IoloWilliams2 @Dolphinsighting @GailRossSNP
4/10 Stranded whales lose equilibrium and start turning over and struggle to stay up/swim. Important to try keep them upright and able to breathe - bad footing and their weight makes hard. @BBCSpringwatch @BBCOutofDoors @ChrisGPackham @ScottishSPCA @MCA_media
5/10 The solo pilot whale was still at bay with dead whales from the previous night. Whilst main pod was in water we went to it and herded it to area of others to try and get all out.

@BDMLR @ArranCoast @CCSPtown @Benfogle @marinescotland @MareeToddMSP
6/10 Returned to main pod and they were beaching again. Had to keep trying to keep them off the shore and also the others away - this can mean making noise to drive them back to sea.

@HughHarrop @kasmunro @STVNews @SeaWatchersUK @dodo @IWDGnews @whale_nerd
7/10 The seaweed was a nightmare to get through and direct the whales out from but possibly helped them not get too damaged on rocks. Had to swim to these ones and get back out to water whilst avoiding tails.

@DolphinPaige @HebrideanA @OuterHebs @isleofsouthuist @CalMacFerries
8/10 finally had most of the whales off the beach, this last one looked in trouble but made a strong effort in end. The main group spotted the solo whale and seemed encouraged out by it so we opted to get in boats.

@JohnFinnieHI @claudiabeamish @ScotWildlife @ScottishSeas
9/10 With the pod together and a second boat on hand, we began to herd them out of the narrow and shallow bay towards deeper water. Eventually got them out to Minch and they swam off towards Skye.

@RJLilley @markruskell @dolmansarahj @strandings_man
10/10 Difficult situation as remote and locked down. Local speedy response from @UistSeaTours and @MowiScotlandLtd crew helped save the whales.

@BDMLR is a charity and medics like myself are all volunteers. Find out more/join/donate here: https://bdmlr.org.uk/ 

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