Melissa Benoist and Chyler Leigh are real life sisters; a thread:
#MelissaBenoist #ChylerLeigh #DanversSisters
"Meeting Melissa was, I think, sort of meeting my husband. Meeting Melissa was probably the most powerful relationship i've ever felt. She's literally 1 of the most genuine ppl i've ever met. She inspires me, she's an incredible women, i love her to pieces"
"I've learned the definition of grace by this one. For so in her position to handle this whole thing so gracefully and so tastefully and she's so kind... U're a lovely human being & i'm just so grateful that my little girls get to look up to sb like u"
Chyler*whispers*: I love you
*5 secs later* You have a head of steel, chill out
"We had seen a lot of girls for Alex, no one compares, you were perfect"
Chyler: Our first couch scene, when she hit me in the face with a pillow
Melissa: Uh-huh
Chyler: Real deal
Melissa: Real deal
Chyler: I didn't know it was coming
Melissa: Nope
Chyler: And she nailed me
Melissa: I think I'd love to see Supergirl in that Flarrow world
Chyler: Did you say "Flarrow"?
Melissa: That's what Grant calls it
Chyler: Oh I'm not cool okay i'm sorry
Chyler: I'm actually glad that it was only a cat & mouse thing with the Maxwell aspect
Melissa: ME. TOO.
Chyler: Oh!
Melissa: I don't like Maxwell Lord
Chyler: She didn't like him very much
Melissa: Not good enough for her
Chyler: Oh, get out~
Chyler pointing to Melissa: "This is enough relationship for her, good grief"
Melissa: Maybe time, the ability to time travel, wanna see some dinosaurs
Chyler *coughs*: Nerd
"She's just so full of grace and love and light. And she has been through the ringer. I would guard her door season 1, I would literally stand outside her door and be like "you're not going in, sorry, she's sleeping. Give her a moment." Chyler @ Melissa
M: Is there such a thing as pink kryptonite? So mentioned to me & I was like: "Is that a real thing?" & they were like "yes", and- it makes u gay
C: Did u say it makes u gay?
M: Yes, when she's exposed to it
C: I think everybody should be exposed to it
Oh yeah and this:
Q: What is Chyler's favorite movie?
Melissa: I know
Chyler: You should know
*5 secs later*
Melissa: Look what I wrote:
And this too:
Just look at their reactions when someone said they should have a lip sync battle 😂😂😂
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