One thing I've noticed (and I note it because I observed it re W's reign of error) is that Trumpers are already trying to rewrite the history of their support for Trump. This is significant and must be addressed. So, a thread 1)
2) What do I mean by that? Well, support for Trump now is really an awful choice on your part. Doesn't matter whether you are an elected rep or a union electrician, support for the Tangerine Scream is a terrible choice on your part. He's racist, he's corrupt, he's a liar.
3) What I see are folks making the argument, "I know Trump supporters, a lot of them are educated, humane and some of the nicest people you'd meet"- seriously, I've seen that argument A LOT over the past couple months. They all get their talking points from the same place, seems
4) First, they can be nice and do something awful. We know this. Lots of mass shooters and serial killers were evidently wonderful neighbors. the fact that they're nice to YOU doesn't mean that they're not embracing something awful. And by embracing Trump, they are.
5) And they can be educated and still racist. Lots of educated people are racist (see Miller, Stephen). They can be educated and corrupt. So maybe they're nice to YOU, white person of privilege, but they're not being nice to the gays, refugees, trans folks, and liberals.
6) what we're seeing is they're already sweeping their involvement in this under the rug, WITHOUT ADMITTING THEIR CULPABILITY. This is why we're still dealing with confederacy bullshit NOW, because we let them rewrite the history of their involvement. That it wasn't about...
7)... that it wasn't about slavery (IT WAS) that Trump isn't racist (He is)... in GWB's reign, that they DIDN'T LIE about WMDS (THEY DID)... we let them do this and let it go, and we're still dealing with these toxic fs in our culture as a result. Lots of GWB criminals...
8) found root in Trump's reign (not just Bolton, but him) because we didn't hold them accountable for the criminal shit they did under GWB. That's on us. We cannot allow them to do this to our nation again. They're gonna LIE about supporting Trump. Don't let them do this.
9) I believe in redemption, I believe in forgiveness, but it's not possible unless one admits their sin. Unless one holds themselves accountable, truthfully, we cannot heal. This is true in AA, it's true everywhere. Truth and reconciliation is the name of it. First word... Truth.
10) And we can't have reconciliation without truth. Truth is, a lot of people embrace Trump now because of his awfulness, not in spite of it. And they're not doing anything about his corruption, his incompetence. They're blaming Democrats rather than being honest.
11) They're supporting a modern day Nazi (one who actually called other Nazis fine people). My friend John T has a great point about that. He said, do you know what they called Germans who didn't agree with Hitler about Jews, but supported him because it was good for the economy?
12) We called them Nazis, too. Nazism is outlawed in Germany, and they're healed because they did the truth and reconciliation thing. We've ever done it, not for black Americans, not for the Native population, none of it. So those sins still sink us today, as a result.
13) We cannot allow them to do this to the Trump regime and supporters. MAGA hats and all that jazz, it's pure unleaded white rage and bigotry. That's what that is. If they don't share Trump's bigotry, then it's apparently not a deal-breaker, and that's more awful than believing-
14) At least racists are honest about where they stand. too many others go, "I don't agree with Trump on refugees or Mexicans, but my stock portfolio is doing great!"... I'm sure it would do great if we still had slaves, too, but that's so awful that you're a monster in my eyes.
15) And that's my point. You're going to hear this a lot. THey're actually nice and generous people, these Trump supporters I know... blah blah blah. Yeah, to YOU. You're white, too. You're not trans, you're not at risk. Peak of privilege in that it only matters if they're...
16) Nice to you, that's all that matters (looking at you Geraldo Rivera). They also have to be responsible, accountable adults who don't put kids in cages, who don't engage in corruption. They have to be truthful. And one more thing on this...
17) Too many say, you forced me to voting for Trump because you nominated HRC. First of all, no one forced you to do shit. You threw a tantrum, voted for a monster because you bought into a bunch of sexist shit. Own your own choice in the matter. Blaming the woman...
18) Blaming us for forcing you to do something awful, that's the abusive husband syndrome (you made me hit you, it's your fault)... and f that noise. You made a choice, own it. And that means, own the criticism of your shit choice. You want forgiveness? Let's hear you say...
19) Yeah, I screwed up, I got mad and petty and did something awful. I will work harder and do better and make better choices next time. Not... "both sides are bad" not... "but the DNC" and not... "you don't realize how crooked she was..." no. No no no. Own your choice.
20) We need truth and reconciliation in America right now. Hell, right now, we can't even get folks to recognize the truth about WEARING MASKS, and that's on us. We give uninformed opinions a respect and weight they haven't earned. No. We should care more about truth here.
21) and, side note, that's a huge problem with our policing now, too. They lie about everything. but that's a side issue. We don't care about about truth and evidence, and we care too much about image, ego and id (especially regarding religion, patriotism and nationalism).
22) Maybe, just maybe, we try harder for the truth. And the truth is, Trump supporters are awful folks doing an awful thing, even when they're nice about it. They're supporting bigotry, corruption and falsehood. Let them know this and until they admit it, redemption not possible.
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