How to address an energy vampire:

With no emotion. If you can’t keep your emotions under wraps, don’t address them until you can. I can’t stress this enough bc there are literally people out here (some of them close to you) who like to trigger you then feed off your reaction
And let me be clear, an energy vampire is NOT someone who you hurt and then they have an emotional reaction to what YOU did. So don’t use this advice as an excuse to violate people then shut them out when they approach/confront you. I’m tired of seeing that manipulative shit too.
If you violate people in the worst ways, then when they confront you you run away and block them, talking about “They’re crazy. Not responding to that. Good energy only🧿🧿🧿🧿

In this case YOU are the actual energy vampire. A very confused one at that
Had to give that disclaimer because there are some very confused narcissistic jackasses on this app who like to use righteous advice to fit their twisted way of living. Now back to my original point...
Energy vampires are people who feel unloved and go about getting their emotional needs met in a dysfunctional way.

Example: humans need attention/validation. Energy vampires get this by triggering you and getting you to lash out. You lashing out= attention/validation for them
As a result, these energy vampires leave you extremely drained because they’ve literally fed off of your reaction by triggering you. Very dangerous because being continuously triggered is detrimental to your mental, physical, and spiritual health.
But do they care how this affects you? No. Of course not. They are self focused and highly narcissistic. They only care about getting their needs met. So it’s your job to identify them and starve them for the sake of your own sanity.
If you can go “no contact” with them, do so immediately. That’s the easiest way to starve them. If they have no access to you at all, then they can’t feed off you. But sometimes no contact isn’t an option. That’s when you have to train yourself to show them no emotion
Now do NOT get this confused with suppressing/ shutting off your emotions. That’s dangerous and extremely bad for your health. The key is to express your emotions in a safe space where they can’t see. So by the time you have to interact with them, you’re calm and show nothing
That last point is extremely important because a lot of people confuse being “unbothered” with having no emotions at all. And privately shame themselves for feeling anything. That’s the WRONG approach. You have to feel it. Just feel it AWAY from energy vampires so they can’t feed
Ways to express/work through your emotions in private:

-Vent to people who love you and won’t invalidate your feelings

-A creative outlet (music, painting, cooking, etc)


-Meditation , Yoga


Do some research and find a method that works for you. Try out different ways of doing this until you notice you’re far less reactive/emotionally charged when the energy vampire tries to trigger you
Now I have to give another disclaimer: do NOT use this method as a way to avoid conflict with people who you actually should be addressing/communicating. (Talking to you, dismissive avoidant attachment style lol)
Don’t use this method to get the upper hand by withholding emotions from people you have a connection with. This method is preserved for energy vampires who purposely try to harm you. Not people you care about who you’re having conflict with. Communicate with them.
Now back to energy vampires, if you absolutely must speak to them (face to face), keep your voice very flat and monotone. Avoid eye contact if possible. Do some sorta task (like texting) while you speak with them so it’s clear they don’t have your full attention.
When it comes to energy vampires online, it’s best to ignore them completely. I personally don’t even like blocking them because they get satisfaction out of that, but don’t hesitate to block them if that’s better for your mental health. Protect your peace.
Now if you absolutely MUST reply to an energy vampire online, again just do so without showing any emotion. Don’t insult them (that shows they hit a nerve). Don’t ask them to stop speaking to you (that shows they’ve affected you). Simply respond in a logical, clear cut way
My personal favorite is treating them like a childish person who lacks self control (which they are). They say something petty with the intention of triggering me, I respond “I suggest you behave yourself or I’ll have to remove you”
Or “please practice self control when speaking to me” is also a good one. Remember energy vampires are trying to make you react and show a lack of self control, so flipping it around and pointing out that trait within them is effective
This last tip is for those of you who have some sort of platform and have to deal with energy vampires in your comments: get a moderator to respond to them. There’s nothing an energy vampire hates more than trying to attack you and there’s another person standing in their way lol
By moderator I mean get someone you trust to log onto your account and clean up your comment section. Have a copy and pasted message for your moderator to use specifically on energy vampires
Mine is something like “Moderator here. Please be respectful in the comments or you won’t be able to address the owner of this account directly. This is your first warning. If your age or any other factor doesn’t permit you to practice self control, you’ll have to be removed”
Following any of these methods will usually make the energy vampires go away because they’re faced with the unfortunate reality that their low vibrational needs won’t be met through you. So they have to take the toxicity elsewhere. Hope this was helpful💕
You can follow @nu_mindframe.
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