Gonna start a thread and explain why I’m quitting discord and YouTube, because people have been asking
Reason 1: So this is the twat bag that deleting my entire discord server. The reason I made a discord server was so that my community from YouTube could join, because literally all my videos are about discord and that’s what I grew my audience from, in the beginning I was not-
expecting Eric to be a person who could go something so cruel and selfish because he was really nice and gave away a shit ton of nitros to people in the server, And I honestly thought he was a good person until he started to talk shit about me
I started to grow distant from my discord server because all the fingers seemed to be pointed at me and seemed like everything was always my fault. In this SS he says I bullied an admin out of the server, he left on his own and he did make deragatory comments towards me -
Telling me not to just be friends with “guys who just want to get in my pants”? Like seriously??? Of course I’m going to be pissed off of you say that, it’s not my fault the majority of people that were in my discord were males, if I could choose I would want more females-
(Btw sorry if this thread is long there’s a lot to cover and I only have a limited amount of words)
I do admit, I am a little stubborn when it comes to changes about the discord server, and people made suggestions about how to make the discord server better, and finally I decided to do it, I gave a lot of people power to do what they wanted to make the server better but they-
still complained, and then I just started to barely go on my own discord server anymore because it honestly felt like the staff hated me.
Gonna wrap this up
So I come back to my discord server after taking a mental break from it, it was just too much pressure and a lot of toxicity at the time and I just didn’t feel like dealing with it for a while and I wanted to give ownership to someone else and I was actually-
going to give ownership to Eric(veo), glad I didn’t, because either way he would’ve fucked up the server. But then I come back to the server after literally a week of me not being active and im the only person in my discord now, I check the audit logs to see what happened.
Ethan(veo) literally banned all 500 members of my discord server one by one! Like how fucking much of an asshole do you have to be to do such a thing! His reason for doing such behavior is “oh the server was going to die anyways”, ok but that doesn’t mean you take matters into ur
own hands like wtf?? Then he tells me he created a new server with the same people in it that were in my other discord server then he says “things are way better now without you”. How much of a selfish prick do you have to be to commit such a selfish act and blame me for it ??!
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