i never thought i would be tweeting this but everyone is going too far. jaehyunbom isnt just some twitter bot and the hate that she is receiving is way out of line. ok, the reason why some of you dislike her is because she reportedly supports ssgs, but no one ever noticed [1/-]
+ (or if they did) or informed others that she unfollowed and stopped retweeting content from them. we just accepted and believed those rumors so that we could have a reason to hate on jhbom (which i am also guilty of) because we were jealous that she was getting the [2/-]
attention that we so wanted to receive. we all just jumped on this bandwagon hate towards her over jealousy and baseless rumors that we didn’t realize we were already CYBERBULLYING a human behind the screen, with some even going as far as sending death threats or wishing [3/-]
death upon her. (seriously are yall out of your minds????) just a few hours ago i’ve been dmed by a friend (who is a mutual of jhbom) and talked to me all about this. (i will not be going into personal deets to respect their privacy.) [4/-]

- jhbom never said in her own words that she supports ssgs, she only retweeted pictures from the ssng fansites [5/-]
- she was following those fansites before; however, she unfollowed them when people informed her about their problematic behavior (you can go check her following now) [6/-]
if yall are jealous or frustrated over her getting replies in menpas yall are probably forgetting she is most probably acknowledged by jh because of all her effort in compiling jh content and for being a loyal fan throughout the years. “jaehyun is one to remember fans + [7/-]
+ a lot. having been here for a long time made them visible enough to jh and especially of how much effort they gave to help us know jh.” [8/-]
and even IF she did things that she is accused of, why would anyone go so low as to send nasty things to her/make up things about her, mass-report the account, and wish for her account (and all her years of effort) to be deleted? yall advocate for mental health and + [9/-]
+ anti cyberbullying for ur idols but when it comes to normal people it’s a way different story. [10/-]
to clarify, im not tweeting this to bootlick or to act clean or innocent or whatever, because i too am guilty of believing baseless rumors and tolerating the hate and jokes towards jhbom and im not gonna deny that. and i dont know jhbom personally but to witness someone + [11/-]
+ who has never done anything “problematic” be thrown with so, SO much baseless hate, i think the most human thing to do is to inform others of this and to possibly change ur perspectives on her. (all thanks to the friend who enlightened me on this). so, i am sorry for + [12/-]
+ ever tolerating hate towards jhbom, and i hope all of you are too. i hope we all realize that she is also human with feelings, and is a fanjust like all of us. and that “jokes” can affect ppl. i hope this message reaches a lot of u and i hope we can change AS A FANDOM. [13/13]
this is so long wtf but genuinely i hope all of you take time to read this before we add to the damage even more.
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