So. This is a big ass first step.

I am extremely happy that WOTC is officially taking the steps towards truly diversifying D&D, both in-game & out.

This has been something that folks of color have NEEDED so I thank them for beginning to try.

But I need to address a thing —
When I say this, don’t take it as I don’t care. Because I do.

But I’m overwhelmingly OVER every single white person who saw this announcement as a chance to yell about Mike Mearls.

The fact that WOTC is even taking this initiative is huge.

Fuck that white dude for TWO seconds.
Yes. We know he is a big ass problem.

But MM’s firing is NOT synonymous with diversifying D&D. At all.

So when you take the time to yell about him OVER said announcement, you’re effectively saying “ok that’s cute but what about ____.”

Aka showing you don’t give a shit at all.
Yeah. I’m fucking over it.

I want him gone just like the next person but I’ll be damned if I’m about to watch a bunch of white folks All Lives Matter this HUGE ass initiative WOTC is taking.

Bc that’s EXACTLY what you are doing. Period.
All I’m seeing is that y’all can’t let people of color have ONE good thing. You can’t let us be the focus of anything before spouting off about other shit.

As I said.
Yes, that dude needs to GO.

But that announcement was NOT the time to scream about it.

Flat out.
I’m fucking annoyed because all y’all are doing is proving every single word we said during the roundtables right.

The problems that black folk (& people of color) face are CONSTANTLY pushed to the side for other issues, even when the spotlight is on them.

I’m done with that.
I need to lay it out again for you.

I 100% understand that Mike Mearls is a problem & I want his ass gone just like everyone else.

But yelling about him on a post SPECIFICALLY about diversity was NOT the time and only proves how much y’all actually don’t give a shit about it.
I said what I said & I’m over it.

For the record as well & so you’re aware so the comments can cease before they begin.

No, his ass is NOT being mentioned during the side table tomorrow. At all.

Because he is NOT the focus of that discussion, as he wasn’t the focus here too.
Don’t come for me with some bullshit.
Don’t try to read me.
Don’t come back with some white ass rebuttal.

I don’t have the fucks to give but I DO have time to hand it to yo ass if you try me.

Let black folk have one fucking thing. God damn it.

I’m out.
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