@NichollsMaegan *peaceful protest are starting because we are fed up, after 500+ years of oppression you think we’d start to see change right? These peaceful protest become violent police do. obviously the education system has failed you if you sincerely believe these so (cont)
called “riots” are because of the death of one man, and not the result of years of oppression and systematic racism dating back to the end of slavery, and is quite literally written into the 13th amendment, the clause “except as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have
been duly convicted”. This loophole in the 13th amendment has a direct effect on our prison and police systems to this day. Southern , former slave holding states began a slave patrol, a militia, of white men who used vigilante tactics to enforce slavery related laws, this is
essentially the foundation of the police department as we know it now. which is why protesters advocate for reform of the police(ing) system, because it is flawed, and is directly linked to slavery. If you consider George Floyd and awful human being wait until you see
the past reports on the cop who murdered him. You saying George Floyd doesn’t deserve “the rights to freedom” is extremely, well racist considering this country’s roots, i am sure you knew exactly what you where doing with your wording, but now the rest of twitter will too since
since you deleted the tweet! <3
yes, george floyd has a criminal history, but a criminal history does not warrant murder, a criminal history is not an excuse to Derek Chavin killing George Floyd.
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