Another DAC meeting where we're still getting no video of folks as they engage.
I believe DA Marsee is asking for leeway with masks in court. Because, according to her, jurors need to be able to assess the credibility of a witness...and apparently that involves asking folks to out themselves in harm's way?
Jari Askins is presenting, and has suggested many potential changes to jury trials her judges are considering in a task force that meets again tomorrow. They may put a single chair inside the door for media.
Unsure who is running the meeting realizes we're seeing what they are doing as they scroll through options, but...this is our current view.
The conversation is definitely concerning. Askins says she believes a witness testifying couldn't be wearing a mask & that an attorney asking questions probably can't be wearing a mask. Someone (I believe Hicks) says he needs to see facial expressions without mask for voir dire.
Someone typing a comment about ADA accessibility and masks. Whoever is talking now (I can't tell who) says what about people who can't wear masks (says his stepson with asthma can't wear a mask).
A question about how they allow members of the public access, or even victims advocates access, and how they're mixing or not if jurors are in galleries.
DA Prater says it's not unprecedented, that in the Holtzclaw trial they reserved a specific number of seats for the press, and a specific number for the public, and it was first come first serve. And they can use that precedent for COVID.
Hermanson says he worries about folks scared by BLM protests. Askins says she is glad they said no June jury trials, and that hopefully DAs have 2 months for it to "change course."
Askins says the vast majority of folks, especially in rural Oklahoma who show up for jury duty are over 65. And that they are going to say they're exempt because of the governor's order. Suggests you'll be left with people you likely don't want on a jury.
Askins says that they need folks to put in jury requests earlier this year, with bigger pools, because their software/system is under repair in July. And that court clerks may be busy with their own primary Election the last week of June.
Kunzweiler stops Askins before she leaves and said he is going to be a little selfish. He says highest concerns are centered in highest population centers. And he asks that Askins works to prioritize assets & folks to figure out the solutions those jurisdictions need first.
Says he has been down to Oklahoma County courthouse and it's a disaster zone and Tulsa County isn't much different.
Kunzweiler says suggestion 2 is focused on CARES Act requests. He says locally he is frustrated with the funds to get it done. He says court adminsitrator should have a plan for every county to request money for more money for larger jury pools requests from CARES Act.
Kunzweiler says in Tulsa County the Kaiser crowd paid for a consultant to assess issues at Tulsa County Courthouse. And the report suggests $3million in needs. And he suggests other judges get that from Judge LaFortune.
Kunzweiler says he was afraid they had other intentions but that they "actually got someone from the outside" and made legitimate suggestions. Askins says she really appreciates Prater because he has been helpful in explaining judicial funding.
Askins says counties should get reimbursed under CARES for laptops, webcams, and mics for judges.
Baggett mentions a week from tomorrow at 2 DOC is hosting a roundtable they've invited judges & DAs to about the change in the law around video conferencing hearings.
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