Timothy Heller but it's a thread of bad shit she's done
Saying a slur that doesn't belong to her and being racist
Prasing Hitler??? I don't understand what the hell this is but as a "Mental health advocate" you shouldn't do something like this
Mocked suicide (despite being a "mental health advocate?)
Said Billie Elilish was being sexualized at 16 but her younger sister posted stuff like this at 16
Is desperate and money hungry (to the point she's willing to lie about being trans..) She even put in her old bio she's a girl with a boys name so obviously she's cisgender
Her ex friend (who was basically her ride or die) exposed her for admitting she was jealous
Is friends with a shady pedophilic person (her friend Eve sent their nipples to a chat full of minors) and made up lies about Melanie and her friend Elita
Her reasons as to why she came to Twitter and didn't go to the police
"I don't want her to go to jail I just want to ruin her image" yeah because ruining a "monsters" image is more helpful then putting them behind bars to help other people stay why didn't we do this Bill Cosby? that's so smart 🥰😍
But then her friend Eve said this shit
Where do I even begin... You can't compare being raped and stabbed those are two very different crimes and yes rape is 100% mental but it's also physically like Timothy said she used a dildo on her HOW IS THAT NOT PHYSICALLY? also you shouldn't put a rapist in jail because it
Didn't leave a scar like being stabbed would??? Don't put your rapist in jail because they didn't hurt you just fucked you up mentally?
Wait for it...
Interviewing a 15 year old girl is inappropriate and just weird I can understand actually news site like Buzzfeed or Newsweek but a kid? That's just desperate and unprofessional
Plus the girl she interviewed doesn't even believe her anymore and um..talking to a child about your assault instead of the police? Damn seems like you wanna tell everyone instead of people who can actually help you..
Says she has a hard time talking about sex or triggering things but does/says sexual and triggering stuff
Attacked Melanie for "Tag you're it" where her character Crybaby gets kidnapped by the Big bad wolf but does this..
Sorry which is more detailed and graphic? A girl dressed like a grandma getting put inside a food truck by a wolf or a woman gaged struggling while in distress?
Called Melanie out for her song "Mad Hatter" for glorifying mental illness but basically did the Samething (by her logic) (1st one is Melanie's lyric 2nd one Timothy's)
And the actually meaning behind Mad Hatter has nothing to do with mental illness people have been making fun of Melanie for being different her whole life she said growing up she's been called weird,crazy,insane,etc for dressing and being different +
Its basically her mocking people who make fun of socially awkward people "Oh you think I'm crazy? Fine I'm crazy and proud" kinda like saying "I'm trash but I'm a gucci trash bag" she's stated before that her and her character doesn't have any mental illnesses
But she does write music for people who does it have because she wants to "heal" them because music is her coping mechanism so she wants it to be theirs too she even admits she doesn't have mental illnesses instead of lying
Sis really bought a bdsm sex game to play with a "rapist" .... And she even admitted it was her idea
She said it was Melanie's idea but y'all wait for it
Melanie ended the friendship because some psychic told her to (she's into that sort of stuff she does tarot card readings and collects Crystals y'all) and Timothy has bpd and a common symptom of this is hypersensitivity to possible rejection and abandonment
My sister has it so I know some stuff and +Google is free y'all come on but Timothy confirmed Melanie ended the friendship
So maybe her being mad about the friendship ending could of made this little dream "come to Life"
She defended Amber Heard despite her abusing Jonny Depp I swear she only "believes all victims" when the victim is her
Also this right here "proof is triggering for me" Baby we know...
Comparing Melanie Martinez to Hitler AND THIS WASN'T A JOKE (cause I know y'all seen my little pinned tweet don't even try it)
These gems
"Melanie admitted to it"
No ma'am
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