After my analysis that a large amount large leftwing twitter accounts are fake and designed to split the Left into 4 character types, I just realised, a lot of the criticism of the government must be fake and managed too.
Most of the information that came from Russia and international fascist was anti-Semitic and was managed.

Obviously the big leftists who have press passes are managed somewhat because of DNotices etc.

Many of the smaller accounts that searched for stories are too.
So what the f*ck has been going on during this collective haze that fell over the internet and news media for the past decade since the "culture war" started.
I have a good idea, international blackmail, trafficking and obfuscation with fake spectacles like the culture war
And managed opposition, divided and weak
Freedom of information got dealt a massive blow, but the information is still out there.

Get out of your bubbles, you will feel much better for it.
Don't play their game.

Make new rules.
The UK/US has become so divided and brainwashed to the point that people I know on Facebook are posting "if you don't like it here, leave the country". People I thought were good have gone fascist.

It makes me sad to see everyone so divided, especially by foreign actors.
And to the far-right and far-left, you are both wrong.

Bernie and Corbyn were both Liberals. They offered "Embedded Liberalism".

Socialism *sprang from Liberal ideals*!

Hating on "Libs" is what the fascists want.
And look, I know it's good fun to take the piss out of media figures. Lot's of liberal media need criticising, too.

But the concept of freedom is pretty cool still imho
It's not fair that these people are being wound-up to the point that they are willing to fight because they think there is an authoritarian take-over in their country from the Left.

When actually there HAS been a foreign take over by authoritarians, but it's been by oligarchs!
When those people realise how compromised by Assad, Putin and Chi our establishment has become, they'll join in the real fight for freedom too, I hope.

I have a strong hunch.
I watched live-streams where the RT/Sputnik and the Sun were re-streaming from EDL supporters.

These people ACTUALLY want the destruction of the West.

They want to turn #BlackLivesMatterUK into a narrative of oppression, rather than freedom.
Look at the way this community in America is responding protesters from @UR_Ninja, these Italian Americans are ready to beat up a fellow Italian American because they've been wound-up by propaganda:
This is not normal.

If there is anyone who claims to be a Leftist activist but doesn't want to;

A) Remove Trump
B) Help undo this anti-Liberal brain-worms from society or encourages it

Un-follow them. They might be real, but don't give positive feedback to that behaviour.
The Left ARE Liberals.

The Left is NOT ushering in a time of Orwellian thought police because of removal of racist statues.

But people on the right actually believe it. And our fascist media is encouraging that narrative.

They are scared. Using people as fodder will backfire.
Private property ownership is not fascism.

Fascism is fascism.

Know your enemy.
NOTHING changes, unless there is a united opposition.
I might have spent too long infiltrating alt-right communities but I just can't stop using the word "cuck".

It's not sexist is it?

Ironically, it seems to be the most powerful word for waking these people up.

They take orders from ISIS, Assad and other right-wing extremists.
I've seen/heard it with my own ears in Discord servers.

I heard them say "based" about anti-Semitic Hamas supporters.

Absolute cucks.
I'm calling it now, #BlackLivesMatter will evolve into an international resistance against fascism and authoritarians.

But who will join us if they think we're Communists who are going to abolish private property and trade?

Not me. I'm a Libertarian-Socialist.

So, how about (and I know this is controversial in some Leftist circles) WE GET RID OF THE FASCISTS FIRST??

Accelerationsim is a trap.
Mark Fisher, the Author of Capitalist Realism was part of the Cybernetic Culture Research Unit under the notable fascist and from the "Dark Enlightenment" Nick Land
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