Re: something horrible in my mentions -

I’m sure my parents could dig up many letters & cards etc in which I thanked them for being amazing parents. It doesn’t mean they weren’t abusive. As a small child I didn’t realize, & as a teen I was trying to survive & keep them happy
So yes I wrote them anniversary cards with things like “best parents ever!!!” because that’s what you DO. Even the letter I wrote when I tried to move out the first time was full of praise BECAUSE I WAS TRYING TO LET THEM DOWN GENTLY
As a younger child I genuinely thought they were the best parents ever! It wasn’t until I started to grow up more that their control and abuse started to show up in a way even I couldn’t ignore or rationalise
Sometimes you need a lot of time and distance to fully process things that happened to you. It’s been 3000 miles and 4 years and I’m still remembering and processing things. Sometimes stuff from my childhood!! So no I don’t see that letters you wrote 15 years ago are ‘evidence’
And anyone who will air someone else’s private letter from 15 years ago, in screenshots, on the internet, to try to discredit their experiences of abuse? Is displaying an extreme lack of consideration for boundaries AT THE VERY LEAST
This didn’t happen to me (yet) by the way. It’s happening to someone else but I was in the mentions and I couldn’t let it pass without saying something.
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