HISTORY TIME! So, you concede that the modern day US police force is systemically racist as it was preceded by slave patrols/night-watchmen. However, you may argue that the RCMP doesn't share those origins, and was created to bring order to the frontiers.

Let's unpack that.
Before we had the RCMP, we had the North-West Mounted Police, which spanned from 1873-1920. PM John A. MacDonald modelled this paramilitary force after the Royal Irish Constabulary, which the British created to suppress the Irish.
As cited in An Unauthorized History of the RCMP, “It (NWMP) was designed to keep order in the North West, to control the Aboriginal and Metis populations, and to facilitate the transfer of Indigenous territory to the federal government with (in theory) minimal bloodshed.”
The NWMP forced First Nation's onto reserves designated by the Canadian government, and implemented a "pass system." This system involved an "Indian Agent" who was given the authority to determine whether a First Nations person could leave reserve.
Moving ahead to 1920, the NWMP was replaced with the RCMP, merging with the Dominion police to take over federal policing.

Here's where we get into the role of the RCMP in enforcing the Indian Act + residential schools.
In 2011, the RCMP released a report titled "The Role of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police during the Indian Residential School system".

The RCMP were also present at the school as "truant officers."

"When requested, the RCMP searched for and returned truants, and fined parents whose children did not go to school (2011 RCMP report)."

The last residential school closed in 1996.
This thread was sparked by anger that @theJagmeetSingh was just yesterday thrown out of the HoC after calling a Bloc member out for racism, after tabling a motion recognizing systemic racism in the RCMP.
I encourage everyone to continue educating themselves on the ways racism is present in our modern policing (and educational + governmental) systems. It's uncomfortable and requires a lot of self reflection, but our discomfort pales in comparison to over 150 years of oppression.
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