There are a lot of things about these times I’ll never understand. I could go down the list, but the one thing that stands out at this moment are people who insist their prejudice for others be tolerated and if it isn’t, you are the one who’s intolerant.
If they’re so "right" if their commitment to their beliefs is so solid, why do they care about our acceptance? Why can’t they just own it? Why do they need it validated? “So much for the tolerant left!” they cry, when confronted with push-back against their racism and xenophobia
and religious bigotry. When their discrimination and bigotry are met with legal decisions, they rail against the “deep state” for “infringing the right to religious freedom!” or similar silliness. Complaining about not being given the right to deny someone the same rights
you have is the weakest and sickest form of activism and the most perverse form of privilege I’ve ever seen. And they’re right, I have no tolerance for it at all. I want them pushed back into the caves and back under the rocks where they belong. I want them silenced.
And to me, it doesn’t matter what religion, sect, political party or “tribe” they claim they belong to. There’s no room for it in a civilized world, in a healthy society. They’re not welcome here. If that makes me "intolerant," I own it. I'm all in.
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