No honestly why dont more SG have black in their ranks? Do they try make an effort or do they see as “well we are here so they should just come” either there is a disconnect that ALOT of SG are not seeing or trying not to see
Like take @RCRedArmy for example our SG, we have maybe 3/4 (depending on if Chenier feels like coming lol) but that like out of 50/60 ppl. We are working to make it more inclusive for POC but i am sure there something We missing to get that message across
Like most SG I have seen have the stigma of the “frat boy parties” or “Fake hardcore ultra”. Which to many Blacks come across as place where we are probably not welcomed at nor where we are going to feel valued at.
I have been saying for years if you want to reach new heights, you have to open your self to new ideas that challenges what you believe/think. Most SG are “comfortable” just staying in there bubble and if new people come great and if not great no love lost
Just like most of these teams that say “ they represent all the communities in their city” alot of SG need to look and see how are we failing at being a space to welcome POC and breakdown that stigma...easy answer GO TO THEM AND STOP WAITING FOR THEM TO COME TO YOU
We all know soccer is very over priced sport that has the stigma of being a “rich White guy sport” and most black people just feel like there is no reason to play sport because the lack of a “major payday” like in the NBA or NFL
For all the slack I give NFL, they know how to reach their Urban market and meet them to make feel welcomed. Soccer in america has not reached that level because we dont have POC in the right position to inact on those situations
Not saying give them a hand out but the fact that clubs and SG are saying they inclusive but the FO looks like white as paper is laughable that like me saying I am going to over take Women’s outreach. That is just sitting yourself up for failure cause you dont have the experience
In doing it. Hire the people that can do it and have the right experience in doing it. Also please for love of God do not I repeat do not flaunt your one Balck SG as being diverse cause your saying is we have a Token Black guy
Another thing is look at this list of HBCU and majority are with distance of a club in @USL_HQ @MLS @NISALeague @UPSLsoccer @NPSLSoccer if they take the time they can make a partnership this schools and build ever lasting ties with them
All I am saying in this is reach out to the Black Community and meet them where they are and be welcoming!
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