I'm not into demonizing cops. I understand the incentives they have to get away with things we normies can't, I believe cops who commit crimes shouldn't be protected by either unions or immunity, and they're having to enforce laws that shouldn't be on the books.
We all have our reasons for being in the position we're in. All of us our struggling, in our own way, in how to make sense of this increasingly insane world.

I have no problem with cops who walk away. They're human.
Rather than further demonizing people just because of the job they have, perhaps we should understand why they've made that decision.

I don't envy their job. As the state has increased its role in society, it's the police's role to enforce increasingly stupid laws.
When some say "this isn't what I signed up for, I want to help the community", I believe them, in the same way a public school teacher says he/she wanted to help educate kids. Doing so through a monopoly service may not be the best way, but that doesn't mean they're not genuine.
Far too many of those manipulating the levels of power want to convince us that "the other" is our enemy, when that other person is just as scared about what they're seeing as we are.

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Love your neighbor.

Even your enemies.
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