Do you why I'm so protective of kids when it comes to this conversation of being trans?

Because I know for a fact that if I had known abt being trans when I was a kid I prolly would have identified as trans myself because I was "nOt lIkE tHe OtHeR gIrLs" a thread
We can have the debate later on as to whether or not the whole phenomenon of the "quirky" "not like the other girls" Phase is due to internalised misogyny or because of other reasons but I think pple really under estimate how damaging this phase Dan be for girls
When I was a kid I didn't conform so easily with gender stereotypes because I was so in love with western media & TV.

I have ADHD and when I found out I did I glamorised the whole thing. It made me feel "Special" it explained so many things and made me "different" & "quirky" 🤮
I was very emotional, easily hurt and I took things WAAAY too personally.

I was stubborn, set in my beliefs, believed the world revolved around me, was convinced that everyone was against me and that I the real reason I didn't have friends was because I was "different"
When the truth was. I was too much. I was too emotional. I made pple uncomfortable with the way I took things so personally and with how self absorbed I was. I was essentially the female equivalent of a "nice guy" except I wasn't trying to get sex. I was trying to get friends
So instead of feeling bad abt my "quirkiness" I more or less wore it as a suit of armour and declared that the real reason girls didn't want to be my friends was because I was "better" than them. Becus I was "Smarter" than them. And why? Because I liked anime?
Because I liked comic books? American TV? Americanusic like rock & roll, hip hop and pop? That made me special? Because I knew big English words when my friends where still speaking in our native tongue and had accents? In short I had a VERY high opinion of myself
Looking back now I realise that I was toxic, manipulative, emotional and pretentious. I had SUCH a high opinion of myself for the SMALLEST things and it was stupid.

But that? That's specifically the reason why I'm so protective of kids in this gender ideaoligy conversation.
I walked funny, I was loud, I had my dad's looks. Pple told me I should have been born a boy and they told me that so much I started to believe them.

My friend circle was also majority "quirky" girls and other "quirky nice guy boys" I eventually grew out of it
But looking back at it I never hated those girls. I admired them and I envied them.

The ones that conformed so EASILY to gender roles. That ones that knew what to say, socialised better, picked up on social cues faster, danced better, communicated better. Had more friends.
I developed an inferiority complex & constantly measured myself against them and always fell short. Felt like LESS than them so to cope with those feelings of inferiority I developed a SUPERIORITY complex where those attributes that did make me feel bad. My "boyish" qualities
(and really what the fuck where those boyish qualities? Playing PS3? having a small chest?) where celebrated but the only way to celebrate them was through misogyny.

They could only be celebrated if I put down the feminine qualities I lacked. I had to make myself feel better
I wasn't looking for male approval (THANK GOD) I was using misogyny to make myself feel better and I understand now that I was being narcissistic and pretentious. I had way too much teen angst back then and was convinced the world revolved around me
I'm older and over that now. I recognise my toxic behaviour and am embarrassed abt it to this day.

I was a nightmare back then and I wonder what my teachers thought of me.

Thank god the adults in my life where kind and didn't try to force me out of it & just let me do whatever
They gave me the greatest gift. They let me be a kid.

Even back when I was being pretentious. Back when I had preteen angst and thought I was pansexual when in reality I was just a bored straight black girl that needed to feel "Special" and "quirky"

I'm glad that everyone just let me dance to the beat of my own drum. That they allowed me to grow out of this naturally. That they LET ME BE A KID.

Even though I was on some clown behaviour shit. 🤡🤡🤡
This? This is why I'm so protective of kids this is why I refuse to let any child make the decision to be trans, start hormones, or have SRS.

Because unlike any other phase like being goth or not like the other girls. This? This is irreversible. You can never come back from this
You can take off silly clothes.
You can wipe off angst makeup.
You can delete tumblr and you can throw away the stupid looking colourful hair extensions that made you "quirky"

You can move forward in life and treat pple better. Learn from ur past toxic behaviour even.
What U can't do tho is:

1. Get back your sex once you've been mutilated.
2. Have ur body back just as it was after you've had a double Mastectomy & have removed your breast tissue.
3. Have your body chemicals functioning the way they did BEFORE you got on hormones
Once you've transitioned your body WILL NEVER BE THE SAME!

Ur body chemicals will NEVER BE THE SAME.

U will NEVER be able to produce biological kids because THAT'S HOW BIOLOGICAL SEX WORKS

YOU will never be the same and why? Bcus ur 12 self decided she/was trans?
Who the fuck thinks it's a good idea for ANYONE under the age of 25 (before the brain is fully developed) to make the decision to get SRS?

To chemically castrate themselves? To butcher their own genitals? To sterilise themselves when it's not medically necessary?
Let ALONE anyone under the age of 18? We don't allow kids to drink, drive, vote, into clubs, get tattoos orconsent to sex with an adult.

We don't even allow them to have the power of attorney to make medical decisions for THEIR OWN BODIES. What's the GAURDIAN'S job or the state
As a society we all came together and voted and we said children are not at liberty to speak on or decide abt A, B and C on their bodies.

Why are you dumb fucks transitioning (medically or socially) your fucking kids because of gender stereotypes. For what? For who?
For woke points? To show off how open minded you are to your friends? To show off how tolerant you are? How accepting you are?

You're all going to turn a blind eye to this madness because you don't want to be the "BAD GUY?!" what dafaque?
Do you hate gender non conforming pple THAT MUCH? that you'll chemically castrate them as kids? That you'll make us life long patients of hormones?

Do you hate us that much? Do you hate feminine men and masculine women that fucking much?
I'm fucking protective of kids because that could have EASILY been me.

What if @Mermaids_Gender came to my school when in was in primary? What if they gave a presentation to my parents and my parents decided to "support" me? What if they told me I WAS TRANS?

What if?
What if?
Protect your fucking kids. Your kids don't need to know jack shit abt being trans. They really fucking don't.
Anyways. Please don't trans your kids. This is why #IStandWithJKRowling #ISTANDWITHJKR.

PLEASE STOP THE #genderwoowoo and let ur kids be kids.

Use the #itcouldhavebeenme to reply to this thread. Tell us why they would have transed You.

Was it becus of a sport? How u dressed?
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