Korang pernah wonder tak,kenapa bila time period (or right before period) je,tiba2 jerawat timbul kat muka?Padahal,korang tak tinggal skincare routine pun😑tup2,jerawat besar kat dagu (contoh) bila tengok cermin😭dah la moody sebab PMS,lagi moody la kan bila tengok jerawat!
Nak tahu tak kenapa????Most importantly,betul ke kita kena redha bila kena macam ni sekali sebulan?this is #sharingwithli session,so jom kita kupas tajuk ni satu2 😉
#allushare #allufam @aensaari @alluskinhq
Dalam menstruation cycle,hormone kita naik turun.ada masa,estrogen yg tinggi.nanti,progesterone pulak yg naik.bila dah nak period,dua2 hormone ni jadi sikit but testosterone (females pun ada tau☝🏼) remain almost constant.hormone2 ni semua lah yg affect sebum production kat muka👩🏻
based on gambar from previous tweet,korang boleh nampak kan progesterone naik gila a few days before period.bila naik,pores kat muka tu akan mengecil sikit (tu yg kadang2 tengok muka rasa wow flawless nya!).however,kesannya juga include terkumpulnya banyak sebum dalam pori tu🙁
Bukan tu je tau!hormone testosterone pun cause increased sebum production.kan li cakap hormone ni almost constant kan,so the slightly higher level of testosterone masa kita period will aggravate the annoying sebum level tu😖
so,for those yg selalu ejek orang yang ada jerawat sebab tak jaga muka or tak jaga hygiene tu,U GUYS BETTER MINTA MAAF BALIK TAU☝🏼tak semua orang bernasib baik😭actually,ramai sangat yang mengalami masalah ‘hormonal acne’ ni,so lets find out ways to handle this problem shall we!
Before that,biar Li explain dulu macam mana nak bezakan hormonal acne dengan acne biasa.Firstly, kalau jerawat muncul kat dagu ke dahi ke haaaa,most probably sebab hormone la tu!selain tu,kebanyakan perempuan yg ada masalah hormonal acne ni dah besar2 tau,bukan remaja lagi.
In fact,peak age of hormonal acne problem is around mid 20s. so if any of u guys rasa sedih sebab makin tua makin tak flawless,please dont!its not your fault okay❤️
other than that,kalau jerawat korang macam timbul tak timbul (li panggil jerawat malu2😂) then ada high possibility disebabkan period kita.dah la merah,sakit pulak tu!!!especially bila kita tersentuh sikit,ya Allah rasa macam nak jerit😤nilah jerawat jenis ‘cyst’
lagi satu,kalau korang memang jenis yang break out sekali sebulan,then most probably korang memang ada masalah hormonal acne.not to forget,since most of us memang tension bila dah nak period sebab PMS,the cortisol level (hormon stress)
will disrupt other hormones,so-
hormone2 yg tgh bercelaru dalam badan kita will further worsen the hormonal acne😣thats why,whenever kita rasa stress,muka kita tend to breakout.senang kan konsep?so finally,let’s learn how to handle this problem 😎
okay untuk ambik pill ni for hormonal acnes,korang kena refer to dr dulu okay☝🏼since every human body is different,we must get dr’s consultation to make sure it is safe for us🤗to explain briefly,OCP tolong kurangkan level-
testosterone,so boleh la kurangkan masalah hormonal acne ni.BUT,korang kena sabar tau once korang start makan OCP ni sebab effect dia take time for months since body kita kena adjust dulu.remember,patience is virtue 😇
obesity increase testosterone level and decrease protein SHBG (that absorps testosterone),so kulit kita will be more acne-prone. so,by maintaining ideal weight and jaga makan (bukan tak makan tau☝🏼) kita boleh control breakout masa period.just a disclaimer-
Li tak cakap kita semua kena kurus sebab even thin women can get hormonal acne,but a healthy body will do wonders to everyone🙆🏻‍♀️so yang paling penting,apa2 yg kita masukkan dalam badan,try to make it healthy instead of berminyak dan banyak lemak etc okay?
ever since pandemic ni,Li percaya korang semua memang betul2 jaga kebersihan tangan kan👏🏻just to remind again,make sure korang basuh tangan bersih2 tau before sentuh muka👩🏻also,korang rajin2 la bersihkan phone n phone case using sanitary wipes
bukan setakat kita boleh kurangkan penyebaran COVID19,we can also elakkan 🦠 jahat tinggal kat muka kita n lagi menggalakkan hormonal acnes.prevention is better than cure right?
macam mana kita nak tahu pencuci muka yang kita guna ni sesuai ke tak?the cleanser must be GENTLE so make sure the ones that you wear are suitable especially for sensitive skin☝🏼selain tu,kalau ada ingredients such as salicylic acid or glycolic acid-
dapat bonus mark la!why?bcs ingredients like these help to exfoliate the face.lagipun,physical scrubs are highly not recommended due to its rougher properties.

p/s: Alluskin Purifying Cleanser ni bukan setakat sesuai for all skin types,APC jugak ada glycolic acid tau!
never forget to wear moisturiser okay!in fact,kalau korang tak rajin pakai moisturiser,don’t bother to wear advanced skincare products macam serum ke retinoids sebab #hydrationisbasic 😉

p/s:Alluskin Hydrating Toner is a great addition to ur moisturiser 🧴
if masalah acne korang tak selesai2 jugak,the best option would be going to the hospital/clinic to get the best treatment for your skin.kalau korang risau pasal duit,then dont worry sebab even kk n hospital kerajaan provide treatments for acne problems🙆🏻‍♀️
Before Li end this thread,Li just nak cakap sorry if there’s any mistake from my part.If u guys ada soalan nak tanya,feel free to ask okay! just tekan link ni http://linktr.ee/shoppingwithli  if u want to contact Li 📱
final p/s: Alluskin Purifying Cleanser baru restock n Alluskin Hydrating Toner (trial size) dah nak habis🤫
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