So I found this extra search option on #Facebook this morning when using the New Design facebook offers.

A little thread in what I found:

#osint #osintcurious #sourcing
It gives an URL which looks like what old FB #GraphSearch URLs used to look like. Eg; when I search for 'Covid' on Zucks profile, this is my URL
Change '4' for any FB ID you'd like & 'Covid' for any keyword
(!!this doesn't work when in FB Classic!!)
It will also give you a filter section on the left where you're able to filter the results. For example 'Most Recent' .
This looked really promising so I was hoping I'd be able to find the public photos where someone was tagged on or maybe other info that might not be visible on their profile at first sight. So here are my conclusions so far on this search option:
It gives the top posts of a specific keyword. This may include pictures, video's, etc. Kinda like the 'All' results you see when you normally search using the search bar.
You MUST full in a keyword, you can't leave it blanc or use a *.
When you use the left side menu for filtering options and you choose 'Most recent' you get more, less or other results than when not sorted.
The results from 'Most Recent' may not be completely accurate; did a search on a profile, search for the letter/word 'I'. Sorted for 'Most recent' and I didn't get the most recent post where he used the letter/word 'I'.
You can use the Base64/JSON filtering, but not all of them. But the date filter works great. (So find posts of profile X, keyword Y and timeframe A to Z)
Was searching for content tagged to a location. Using the location name (or part of it) as a keyword helped me get posts AND pictures although the used keyword weren't in the description or comments, only in the tag.
Want to keep the filters settings but change the keyword?; change the query in the URL, not in the search bar on Facebook.
Did you find anything else related to this? Would love to hear from you! My DM is open or reply to this thread. Thank you!
#osint #osintcurious
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