"If someone shows you who they really are, believe them."

-- Maya Angelou https://twitter.com/ConceptualJames/status/1273080584437407746
here's the thing...

I used to give these kind of classes, similar to sensitivity training. it's a standard practice in the military.

if any of my Soldiers had responded like @ConceptualJames advocates...

yes, I realize that @ConceptualJames is literally talking about how to be an Alt-Right sealion. that's not an interpretation, he flat out says it in this thread.

what I'm driving at is how to recognize it and how to push back.

the way to call this s*** for what it is, is to ascertain if the speaker is coming from a place of good faith.

how do you do that?

depends on the situation. in my case, as a young Soldier and a junior officer, I had the luxury of making assumptions.

I could rightly assume that, if a Soldier in my class asked a challenging question, they were doing so from a position of good faith because we had a common bond: we belonged to the same unit. we had to work together. if necessary, we had to trust each other with our very lives.
in whatever hypothetical world exists within @ConceptualJames' head, there is no such bond. there is no need for solidarity, politeness, community, common causes or a genuine desire to accomplish something as a team... except as a means to f*** with people.

I can't tell you how to discern if the speaker is acting in good faith because I don't know your situation. you have to make that call in the moment.

which is why you'll probably be able to figure it out and you can pinpoint the disingenuous worms when they rear their heads.

once you've ID'd them, how do you respond?

acknowledge their stupidity.

@ConceptualJames says you should ask questions in a manner that suggests you're willing to learn, you're just a slow learner.

but here's the thing...

do you know the person you're talking to? or the others in the class? does the disingenuous worm have a reputation to be concerned about?

if you're in this situation, where someone follows @conceptualJames' advice and tries to derail the conversation...

ask yourself: does this person /really/ want to be known as a complete moron?

"I'm just asking questions" works once, maybe twice. anything beyond that and the person starts looking like a fool.

call them out for being a fool. politely, of course.

offer to assist them with additional sessions and training, maybe a private conversation about how to properly conduct themselves in public (you know, how to be a decent human being, a thing they should have learned in kindergarten but clearly didn't).

in other words, humiliate the s*** out of them.

if they want to follow @ConceptualJames' advice and look like morons, treat them like one.

oh snap, here comes the dogpiling. https://twitter.com/ConceptualJames/status/1273651528402964481
imagine thinking antifa is an organization.

@ConceptualJames, you don't exactly inspire your followers toward critical thinking, do you? https://twitter.com/respect_liberty/status/1273652203903873025
eUh, BuT pRoNoUnS iN tHe BiO!!?!

this is truly the height of Conservative intellectualism, isn't it? https://twitter.com/travisvandyk/status/1273653107017334784
then we have the classic "I can't respond to merits of your actual argument, so I'm going to make up a bunch of s*** you never said and respond to that."

there's a name for this logical fallacy, on the tip of my tongue... https://twitter.com/malfenderson/status/1273652207372496896
or you could have a stroke and vomit up this word salad, that's a thing you could do, I guess... https://twitter.com/ArchLuminous/status/1273656058041503744
also very telling how many of these "responses" are from accounts I've already blocked...
Dear Mr. Liberty,

what is a gang?

a proper definition, if you please. feel free to cite a source if it helps your case.

(here, I'll help you out...)

me: if someone is arguing in bad faith, you do not need to argue with them.

this chud: <<bad faith argument that's not even remotely on topic>> https://twitter.com/SammyBobammey/status/1273654163390390275
what's equally sad is that I have to literally spell this out for them or they just. won't. get it.

(and no, I don't have a hope that they will get it this way, I'm just having some fun...)
real "big brain" energy going on right here... https://twitter.com/Eyeroll_Shrugs/status/1273657675843330048
yup. no logical contradiction in this guy's worldview, none whatsoever, nosiree...

antifa = ANTi-FAscist

I realize words are hard for you chuds and chudlets (and you other NB-chudsters) but please, do try and keep up. https://twitter.com/AlgopinD/status/1273653658358611968
yup, gonna need to start hitting block, seems @ConceptualJames is followed by literal s*** eating trolls...
me: hey, you're logically inconsistent with your insults, almost like you're just trying to harass people on social media.

this chud: yup.

like... they're not even trying, seriously?

okay, block time, byeee!
my favorite part is how I've never used the word "brotherhood" on Twitter until literally just now...

this could easily lead to a fascinating conversation...

if Max actually bothered to explain what he means by "current form."

(he won't, though, because he doesn't know what the f*** he's talking about.) https://twitter.com/MaxNordau/status/1273653268896497665
okay Karen...

unsurprisingly, this brainlet has completely missed the point of the earlier thread by focusing in on the inference that I was drawing an in-group/out-group distinction.

he could do this by ignoring the first half of the quoted tweet. https://twitter.com/Eyeroll_Shrugs/status/1273662432431538183
and by "inference," I mean Mr. Eye inferred something that was not stated, meaning the error in judgment is entirely on him.

try again. do better. https://twitter.com/Eyeroll_Shrugs/status/1273662432431538183
and this is a word salad, which I find perpetually boring.

ta. https://twitter.com/MaxNordau/status/1273662702645383170

you have no idea what those words mean, do you?

really, how do people live like this? https://twitter.com/ricardo_rudd/status/1273661215516975104
I'd ask for a citation but we all know these chudlets can't even reference a f***ing dictionary...

the only term you've accurately described is the first one.

you also haven't addressed any of the other words from your original tweet, nor have you made it clear how they relate to each other.

try again. do better. (preferably with sources.) https://twitter.com/ricardo_rudd/status/1273667620617641984
I mean, I realize this is what passes for "discourse" among the Right these days, but come the f*** on people, it's literally a five-second Google search away! https://twitter.com/Murgatr59365901/status/1273669122245746690
Karen: People should stop bossing each other around.

Also Karen: Why don't you get off of Twitter? https://twitter.com/RMillennielle/status/1273673123079094273
what is @ConceptualJames arguing people should do? specifically, what is he is advocating they question?

please show your work. https://twitter.com/Conotocarius1/status/1273674212390121472?s=19
gotta love how the Right responds to arguments against their ideology with "yOu'Re A bIgOt!!?!" https://twitter.com/Conotocarius1/status/1273674544763621380?s=19
real believers in the "marketplace of ideas"... https://twitter.com/Conotocarius1/status/1273674544763621380?s=19

thank you, I needed a good laugh...

it gets better, y'all.

me: @ConceptualJames wrote a thread telling people how to argue from a position of bad faith.

random chud: you don't understand what he's saying.

me: okay, explain.

RC: <<dodges responsibility for his own claims>> https://twitter.com/Conotocarius1/status/1273675679960387586
CEMP = Conotocarius Eats Monkey Poop

see? I can throw unrelated phrases into a tweet, too!

try again. do better. https://twitter.com/Conotocarius1/status/1273675065415159809
which means...

go on, you can do it, I have faith in you. https://twitter.com/Eyeroll_Shrugs/status/1273679485318152193
ooh, big brain "gotcha!" moment for Concord over here, let's give this man a cookie! https://twitter.com/Conotocarius1/status/1273677648254906368
y'all, let me help you out here...

in a thread where one calls out rhetorical techniques for arguing in bad faith for what they are (i.e. disingenuous actions worthy only of scorn), responding with bad faith arguments does not make the original speaker look better.
(honestly, I blame our education system and corporate media.)
the irony of this tweet coming from someone with the handle "jewbags123"...

although America /is/ pretty racist, so maybe it's entirely too on the nose... https://twitter.com/jewbags123/status/1273681165950599168
for those keeping score, this adds absolutely nothing to the conversation. even as an insult, it's just... pathetic. all it does it call attention to how stupid this person is.

y'all aren't helping the Right look any better, you realize that, yeah? https://twitter.com/jewbags123/status/1273681818483597312
CJ: this is how you argue without the intention of ever actually learning anything.

me: that's called bad faith argument.

Mr. Chudlet: https://twitter.com/Conotocarius1/status/1273677954271326208
@Conotocarius1, try reading the thread, would you? pretty please? https://twitter.com/SimonTVesper/status/1273681237983596544
yeah, what was I thinking, expecting people to actually read words on the internet... 🙄? https://twitter.com/chadJohnWallis/status/1273687636599812098?s=19
ah yes, the classic "I'm not smart enough to read words so I shall make fun of people who do" response.

... this is really the best they can do, isn't it?

aw. I'm sad now. https://twitter.com/BurritoHunting/status/1273651844087078917?s=19
says the one incapable of explaining their position... 🙄 https://twitter.com/Eyeroll_Shrugs/status/1273688754046337024?s=19
yeah, when I said "defend their position," I meant using words in a coherent manner.

this is what happens when you pass out on your keyboard after having a stroke. https://twitter.com/ADUK2019/status/1273691570567553025?s=19
yeah, ok... allow me to help you out a little.

where have I said this? any of it? point me to a tweet, post, article, whatever; show me where I said anything that even remotely sounds like that dribble.

go on. I'll wait. https://twitter.com/ADUK2019/status/1273693725202493447
no, see, I asked for where /I/ said something like this.

you're really bad at this, aren't you? https://twitter.com/ADUK2019/status/1273694690152497153
I'm tempted to go through this thread again, just to see who's not important enough to show up in my mentions

but then I realize it's a beautiful day and I can't be bothered to care...
to interpret disagreement as legitimate and worthy of attention, we need to know the person we're talking to.

fortunately, as far as Twitter goes, people have a tendency to show themselves very plainly. https://twitter.com/TakillaMocking/status/1273729267004776448?s=19
if you think I'm saying "disagree with me and you're Alt-Right," you haven't been paying attention.

though I can't blame you given that JC's stans (who came to this thread to mock me) are clearly far right-leaning. https://twitter.com/TakillaMocking/status/1273729267004776448?s=19
truly, the mental gymnastics on display here are just astounding.

I hope you stretched before pulling that maneuver. https://twitter.com/TakillaMocking/status/1273735798236594176?s=19
this, folks, is what we call "controlling the conversation." James picks one thing from a thread and says, "Ah, but you didn't do this completely arbitrary thing I just made up which has nothing to do with your actual point but that's okay..."

1/ https://twitter.com/ConceptualJames/status/1273739765523898375?s=19
"because I don't want my audience to actually think about opposing points of view."

yeah, we see you, James. you're a professional troll.

good for you. https://twitter.com/ConceptualJames/status/1273739765523898375?s=19

wait, do you think "in good faith" is the same as religious belief?

because that would explain a lot, to be honest...

apparently, mind reading = interpreting words that people wrote.

this also helps explain where the Liberals and Right-wing are coming from, thank you. https://twitter.com/TakillaMocking/status/1273742326419120135?s=19
(and yes, we're talking about Liberals now because apparently, there are morons on all points of the spectrum...)
oh, well, that makes about as much sense as a one-legged man in a butt kicking contest, thanks for clearing that up...

imagine laying awake at night, worrying about an "anti-white" agenda.

just imagine...

@BigLeagueMeme be all like
hey @CptConundrum20, quick question: when have I ever used the term "anti-racist?"

because at the moment, it looks like you're trying to make this convo into something it's not.

and I made a new thread where I talked about his s***** rhetoric.

which you're on, right now.

(why is it so damned hard for these chuds to read...?)

absolutely shocked, SHOCKED, to hear the intentional fallacy in reference to how we use social media platforms.

(and by shocked, I mean this chud probably brings it up every chance he gets.)

stay in school, kids.
dude, we all know you haven't read anything about "revolutions," you can stop pretending.

all right y'all, we had fun but it's time to block the chudlets.
"white genocide" isn't a thing. the people telling you it is, are lying to you.

if you believe it, you're a moron. https://twitter.com/RightStuff47/status/1273785428785725441?s=19
for f***'s sake, how is it so d*** difficult for these chuds to understand what it means to provide a citation? https://twitter.com/RightStuff47/status/1273803564616503296?s=19
this is "I am the expert" levels of Dunning-Krueger, right here... https://twitter.com/RightStuff47/status/1273803564616503296?s=19
of course, it all makes sense now.

Mr. RightStuff is a one note Twitter account. there is no nuance or depth to this chud, there is only "THE WHITE GENOCIDE!!!"

f*** dude, how do you get through the day? how are you still alive after all this time? https://twitter.com/RightStuff47/status/1273807359689797632?s=19
dude, you're response was so insignificant, Twitter didn't bother alerting me. I stumbled on it none hours later, purely by chance.

piss off, ya wanker. https://twitter.com/Jonnymack1010/status/1273661864543690756?s=19
and flat earthers repeat their batshit insane ideas, too.

doesn't make them legitimate. https://twitter.com/RightStuff47/status/1273810051912871941?s=19
for real, "anti-white" has to be a term born from the hell fire that is 4chan... https://twitter.com/RightStuff47/status/1273816444573233153?s=19
this is another word salad.

for real, it's pathetic that so many people in this world are willing to accept JC's words uncritically. https://twitter.com/ConceptualJames/status/1273095137443352577?s=19
here's my conundrum:

how can a guy who doesn't understand the meaning of the word "microagression" acquire 70k+ followers?

truly, this nation is lost... https://twitter.com/ConceptualJames/status/1273826827870535681?s=19
this would carry weight if I actually called him a racist.

alas, it seems JC's stans remain committed to not reading. https://twitter.com/98wongjf/status/1273830448506916865?s=19
because a few "academics" have been proven to be frauds, we should literally disregard the work of millions of their predecessors.

that's right, all those bridges and buildings? all those roads and railways? totally fake, based on false principles. https://twitter.com/earlkralik/status/1273830546255183872?s=19
yes, this tends to happen to people who can't be bothered to pay attention to the conversation. https://twitter.com/xy_matthew/status/1273831104642867206?s=19
truly, the intellectual elite of the Right... https://twitter.com/jbismyusername/status/1273832697060884480?s=19
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