Imagine if you went to the doctors feeling very unwell, in horrific pain and crying uncontrollably. And they told you you were crazy and sent you home.

Sounds archaic, doesn't it? Like something that would happen in Victorian times?

Well this is happening RIGHT NOW!
For 7 months of last year, I suffered this way. I was in a constant state of feeling bursting to use the toilet - with an EMPTY bladder. My urethra burned like someone held a lit match to it and I could not move away. It felt like someone was slicing my bladder with a machete.
TW suicidal

I peed upwards of FIFTY (50) times a day. When I was not peeing, I was lying in bed, crying. I thought that my life was over. That at the age of 20, my only option was to suffer until I died, or take my own life. The latter seemed much more appealing.
Doctors told me nothing was wrong. "You're just dealing badly with pregnancy", our health 'professionals' said. One doctor suggested that my last urinary tract infection had caused me to develop an incurable condition called interstitial cystitis - inflamed bladder with no cause.
Neither of which were the case. What happened was, a UTI I got at the end of the first trimester was not treated in time or with a long enough course of antibiotics. This let the bacteria embed into my bladder wall, causing my symptoms, and more or less all tests to be NEGATIVE!
The tests themselves simply do not work properly. The healthy bladder is not sterile, making culture sensitivity tests NULL AND VOID. The urine dip tests are terribly insensitive, only recognising infection signs half of the time, if even!
The tests must be outlawed.
I started long term FULL DOSE antibiotics treatment. Short courses and low dose antibiotics are not only ineffective, they encourage resistant bacteria. UTI "prophylaxis" is part of the problem. These patients need full dose treatment.
Recurrent UTIs are more often than not chronic embedded UTIs. The patient is not being re-infected, the same infection is flaring up periodically. These patients tend to end up with a diagnosis of interstitial cystitis when their culture tests start coming back negative.
If you have been diagnosed with recurrent UTIs, or interstitial cystitis, I'm more than happy to talk to you about chronic embedded UTI, and how a lot of what your urologist has said is just not scientific truthâœŒđŸ»
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