Ah, more drama and controversy surrounding fandom "big names" I'd never heard of till today. Kind of glad I'm not super involved in fandom affairs anymore. It's hard keeping track of who's good/bad.
What amuses me most is that everyone is always expected to know who these people are or what the deal with them is. If you don't attend conventions or are very actively involved with fandom affairs, why would you?

(They're almost always American, too)
I don't know who needs to hear this but "Star Wars fan active on Twitter" doesn't always mean we're familiar with all the big names in SW Twitter. Quite frankly, some of us (me) don't know or care. Warnings are great and often appreciated but don't assume we know who they are.
If you're not part of the podcast circuit, attend conventions, or participate in fandom in a greater capacity than average (i.e. beyond half-arsedly updating a blog when the mood strikes), a lot of these names mean little to nothing to us. It's hard to keep up.
I should also repeat - because people enjoy taking stuff out of context - that what I term "fandom drama" has more to do with petty spats between rival podcasters and stuff of that ilk. Anything serious/abusive does not fall under that umbrella, so please don't twist my words.
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