Apparently someone is lurking my twitter with a ghost account, and going on Snapchat to make long ass word snaps to vent about how it’s unhealthy for me to seek attention from people who don’t know or care about me. So here’s a few things that you can go snap about....
1.) I don’t owe a mf a damn thing. I don’t tweet for nobody’s attention, because out of the 1400 some odd followers I have on here, maybe 5-6 actually reach to me to see if I’m ok, and 4-5 of them I just say yeah, and kept it pushing. Could I not tweet? Sure. But I pay this bill.
2.) You don’t get to determine how I decide to emote or vent through NAY medium, especially when you’ve contributed to wtf is going on with me. Somebody who has ghosting issues they have admitted to themselves. You pick up and run and have done this since 2004. I’m over it.
3.) You could’ve also directly contacted me, and let me you wanted to talk, instead of lurking from some dead ass account you never tweet from, but do the shit to check and see wtf I’m talking about. So not only are you inconsistent, you’re indirect. And I don’t have time for it.
4.) The next you want to address some shit about how a nigga decide to get out his fuckin head and vent about the shit happening to him, think about this thread before you decide to use the same fuckin platform to gaslight me, & make me out to just wanting “sympathy vs support”.
So not only are you inconsistent, not ONLY are you indirect, you’re inconsiderate.

You. Could. Have. Left. Me. TF. Alone.

That’s it. Hopefully once you lurk & read this, it’ll be the last time that you ever speak to or about me. I don’t need yours & nobody else’s sympathy.
Anyone else that may feel a way, you can block/unfollow me. I don’t give af. I have my tribe. I don’t need anyone else. At 38, I’m cool on fake ass, fair weather, emotionally vampiric “friends” that honestly don’t give af whether I live or breathe if I’m not stroking their ego.
How’s that for venting to social media instead of your inbox? Did I do ok? Let me know.

You can follow @GrandiddyChris.
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