WHAT! bois & grrls we have a new thread here on twitter dot com, this chap has allowed 151 no native species Pokemon lose on the #IsleOfArmor I’m gonna try and chronical all the locations I find them in here, please if you find any snap and pic and I’ll add them in 😁 #diglett
Okay so rather quickly across straight across the bridge to the right we have our first #diglett it tells you how many are left in an area after finding it so 17 more to go here, so 18 in Fields Of Honor
I’m gonna try and have the picture do the talking for me so I’ll try and snap a decent land mark near where I find the #diglett
#diglett by the allotment patch
So you can’t actually walk on the allotment patches (to high a curb haha) I had assumed you need to be on top of #diglett the hit A bit no just near by them

Also this was the one I realised they make noise on, just listen out of their cry’s
Like I said befor they make a little cry every now and again, I’m not sure if it’s proximity based 🤔 I normally have a podcast on whilst playing so will need to experiment
Worth back tracking back over the bridge where I first encountered the chap with the alolan diglett problem
So interestingly I could see this next diglett from the location of the last one I found but I couldn’t see the slowpoke on the beach, as you know the game sadly suffers from some HEAVY Pokemon pop in but the diglett seem a little more permanent 🤔
There are a couple right near the train station 🚉
I think I have about 3 more to find in the field of honor now, but I want to progress the story a bit so I’m gonna leave them for now and come back to this task, think I might leave the other areas be for a while then continue the thread :)
Okay I found 2 more #Diglett
I now just need one more in the field of honoUr but the hell of I can find this #diglett does anyone know based on this thread of locations where the last one is please #PokemonSwordShield #IsleOfArmor
Oh yeah, I found the final diglett in the field of honor section of the #IsleOfArmor dlc for #PokemonSwordShield , it’s a fun side activity but they blend it with the rough ground textures a bit to much imo, but nice they’ve tried something else
It does seem as though all the #diglett have now been mapped so I’m gonna close this thread off, still I hope I helped someone in the first area haha
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