if a trans man feels his attraction to women is gay in some way, let him have that. its already hard enough to be trans as it is, and it makes sense to feel that way when thats what we've been told that attraction is all our lives. esp since we still experience lesbophobia for it
do you think cishets give a fuck if youre smashing a girl's pussy with your BOY pussy? do you???

its hard to not feel thats fucking gay at least in SOME way
people can have the same identity as you but express it differently!!! and express themselves in ways you wouldnt!!! without it invalidating you!!! https://twitter.com/OccultTherapist/status/1273556772607930368?s=20
In before anyone says I'm trying to "appropriate" a queer label but I actually am not sure if I'm attracted to women rn tbh so it ain't me saying I'm a lesbian but I support my brother's that feel connected to lesbianness
The way I and others personally feel about our transness and sexualities is just about us. It doesn't have to nor should it reflect on others. Us trans people aren't a monolith. Some trans men are straight af now and aren't lesbians, some trans men still feel sapphic, it's all ok
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