Non-conformists have been the ones who break down barriers and create new ways of living, introducing big ideas that have dramatically improved lives of others. The guiding principle is to walk in love, to have no animosity towards anyone. Once that is in place pursue your dream.
Do not allow anyone teach you obedience to God is conformity to a man made order. Growth comes when we express and experience new things. When we walk out of our comfort zones to achieve what may disrupt the existing order. We however do it in love for the improvement of lives.
This is not rebellious act that has no other purpose but to react to what you seem not to like. Progress is reaching for a dream, better solutions that may disrupt existing orders but will dramatically improve the lives of everyone including those who may vehemently oppose you.
To surrender your dream and purpose in order to conform is to die within. You may be elevated within that system but self hatred and a low estimation of oneself will eventually creep in. This will in turn cause you to become very oppressive to others within the system.
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