People be making a joke 😂 When the "just" and "only" project came, BW shippers are the ones mostly affected and a few Brights, but we are not as vocal with our disappointment. Lol do you even know how BFB struggled for that project? Come I'll educate you on this matter.
Ofcourse because of the "just" and "only" project Brights from China feel so bad that they also created BFB. When they opened accounts for gathering funds, they were reported, suffered great attacks and the like. They eat a whole lot of hate for breakfast tho. 😉
Then the projects came, haters be like "Why are you copying our project?" "Ohhh Biss are poor they can only afford a few LED's and Coffee Projects." Well one thing I can assure you, the projects maybe simple, but they are sincere and we come from a good place.
Then the the 520 event took place, we were going to trend a "couple" hashtag for BW but somehow "some" people reacted that it should "only" be and "just" for one person. I even saw translators being attacked lmao 😂
Show your love to someone, give your gifts to that person, pamper them, take care of them, "genuinely". If your intention is to intimidate, to make someone jealous, to show off your wealth, well, that ain't love, that is toxic mentality. Love, loyalty, and trust can't be bought.
And now 521 event took place, it was only a simple, "cheap" as they say, activity. But aweee, trended in TH and WW so easily, no gifts, just us putting effort writing our love's name on a paper with a #LoveBright3000 hashtag. It only takes a little bit of effort and dedication.
But wait, they complained saying why are translators bias, helping it trend more than the other one yesterday, why are they more engaging? Pfffft. Give us a break. Passion and love of Brights will move mountains. We may not be the richest, but we can be the most loyal. 👌🏻
And so on day by day we become somewhat immune to all the hate and play victim drama, so boring tbh. Others want them to separate but once they see solo projects, oh the reaction 😂 Calling us the double standard. Is it suppose to be our fault? I tell you, you reap what you sow.
And furthermore I belive in karma and I believe in redemption. To all Brights out there, be proud of our family, as what Kelly Clarkson said "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." Stay grounded. As much as possible ignore the haters, what goes around comes back around. 😉
Everything happens for a reason so prepare, day by day, is always a new beginning. Can't stop the hate but we can multiply the love. 🙏😌
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