A lot of people, particularly on the centre/left, think that Boris Johnson is “nasty” or “too right wing”...

...but that’s not the biggest problem.

A small thread.

UK has had right wing prime ministers before and survived.
Britain’s also had some nasty ones - sometimes they can get things done.

But that’s not Boris biggest problem.
Johnson problem is he only has 3 strategies
1. Boosterism
2. Humour
3. Assumption of British superiority

These 3 things are actually not too bad if you’re a mayor or minor minister.

The office/civil servants are a well-oiled machine doing the work and you travel around country/world boosting yourself/country/Olympics or whatever.

There is no evidence Johnson did anything else.

Problem is when you’re the boss.

Most prime ministers become so because they’re atleast interested in some policy area even if say like Theresa May I disagree with her - she was actually engaged.

Johnson isn’t remotely interested in anything - that can work in god times.

So after spending his life self boosting with no actual or experience Johnson now attempts to solve every complex problem with

1. Boosterism
2. Humour
3. Sense of superiority

When Covid hit Johnson applied these 3 things.

Because that’s all he had...

PR campaigns, “Superman” speech, UK Covid response always “world beating”, “operation last gasp”, refusal to join EU vaccine/PPE groups..

The list goes on.

People criticise Boris for his policies on COVID as if it’s thought out.

He literally doesn’t have anything else.

So now we come to brexit.

Current strategies

1. Big PR campaign
2. Red white & blue govt Jet
3. Royal yacht
4. “EU need to show a little oomph”
5. Tim Tams

There is no trade policy.

Boosterism is the strategy.
Because that’s all he has

I know a lot of people are convinced he wants no deal. In one way that’s the wrong question.

Johnson has no strategy whether he have no deal or a deal.

Because come 2021 Boris will Resort to saying how wonderful Britain is even if everything collapses.

Why am I so certain?

Because a man who can see 65 000 Coronavirus dead on his watch and call it a “world beating” effort and a “success”...

...won’t even blush or hesitate to claim a collapsing economy “a huge success”.

After all you’ve seen what do you expect him to do?
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