This. Gone are the days when fluff is enough.

Just because BL is initially meant to satisfy girls' fantasies doesn't mean it *has* to stop there... especially when it can be used to raise awareness on LGBTQ issues that productions shamelessly use as cash cows. We evolve.
And no, I'm not expecting BL to be the magic pill that cures decades of oppression and struggle that the LGBTQ face.

All I'm saying is, give the genre and its audience a lil more credit. We won't just settle for the way it used to be anymore. We recognize areas for improvement.
BL viewers are often seen as fetishizers of romance between guys. But how come when the insightful audience actually dares to call out problematic BL norms, we're asked to see BL as it is (as in, it's never meant for LGBTQ representation anyway, so chill)?
See, settling for THAT--instead of being critical of what BL's capable of--isn't only an insult to a new generation of creators who've been pushing for a more meaningful take on BL as a genre, but also an insult to viewers who are dumbed down like they can't process beyond fluff.
It's 2020. Yes, we love swooning just as much as the next person... But we are more than that. We examine the perpetuation of heteronormitivity in the media, we criricize the romanticization of non-con, we encourage constructive feedback, we promote positive change.
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