Questions Thread to help trend #원어스_1등_가자_우

❗❗❗ Please QRT to answer❗❗❗
this was supposed to be for Seoho's birthday (hence the nature of the questions xD) but I want to help in trending so I'll use it here. QRT with #원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
On an average day, how many pigeons do you think you could reasonably carry?

#원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
What are you proud of, but never have an excuse to talk about? #원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
If all animals were the same size, what would win in a fight?
#원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
What is the most normal thing about you?
#원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
What's the least important thing that's very important to you? #원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
If you were a flavor, which one would you be? #원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
What is your favorite song by your least favorite artists? #원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
What's the largest mammal you think you could knock out with a single punch? #원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
You just became a member of the Spice Girls. What is your Spice name? (Create your own) #원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
If you could bankcrupt any person, company, country, or organization, who would it be? #원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
If you could learn any musical instrument, what would it be?
#원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
If you could intervene during any historic event, changing history, what would it be? #원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
Is pizza just an open-faced sandwich?
#원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
What language do you think in right now? #원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
Would you rather eat carrots for the rest of your life or apples? #원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
Would you rather wear shoes every single second of the rest of your life or never be allowed to wear shoes again?
#원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
If you could have a song play everytime you enter a room, what would it be? #원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
If you had a nemesis, what kind of qualities would they have? #원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
If I was going to summon you via black magic, which 5 items would I need in each corner of the pentagram? #원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
If you were invisible for ten minutes right now, what would you do? #원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
Do you prefer crunchy or creamy peanut butter? #원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
What's your fight record? Of all time?
#원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
What is your favorite flightless bird? #원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
If you have to wrestle a giant, ferocious, alligator or a sweet, innocent, baby - which would you pick? You have to use your full strength with the intention to win. #원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
When you brush your teeth where do you start? #원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
When you put on socks do you start with the left or the right? #원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
If you had to eat a crayon out of a box of 64, what color would it be? #원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
Which of your big toes are your favorite? #원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
When eating tacos, do you turn the taco sideways, or do you turn your head sideways? #원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life what would it be? #원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
What four fruits would you include in your ideal fruit salad? #원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
Do you think in pictures or thoughts? #원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
If you were a sock, what colour and style would you be? #원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
Would you rather have a foam arm or a duck following you for the rest of your life? #원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
If you were in an empty field being charged by an endless wave of geese, how many do you think you could kill before they kill you instead? #원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
Who would win in a fight between a lobster and a hippo, if they were both the same size? #원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
What's the last thing you did for the first time? #원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
Do monkeys have two arms and two legs, 4 arms, or 4 legs?
#원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
If you're approaching a traffic light and it turns yellow, what do you do? #원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
Would you rather own a dragon or be a dragon?
#원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
If a giraffe were to wear a tie, would it to wear it near its head or near its body?
#원어스_1등_가자_우 @official_ONEUS #ONEUS_FOR_THE_THRONE
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