Short thread on the ‘bathroom’ issue surrounding trans rights

This is not some minor distraction, it’s a real and existential threat to trans people.

To obtain a GRC, trans people have to ‘live in their acquired gender for at least 2 years’.
This means every aspect of their lives. In their jobs, their social lives, at home and in public.

Now think about all the times you have to pop to the toilet when you’re at the shops, in a cafe, a pub, a cinema or at work.
If we say to trans women, “You can’t use women’s toilets,” what we’re effectively saying is, “You can’t be out of your own house any longer than you can hold your bladder, unless you want to risk being verbally abused or physically attacked in men’s facilities.”
So how do we expect someone to ‘live in their acquired gender’ when they can’t do the simple things you and I take for granted?

They would either have to present as the gender with which they don’t identify (and risk rejection for a GRC), or take themselves out of public life.
Transphobes know this, which is why they’re so keen to push this issue. Don’t let them win.

Contact @trussliz and @BorisJohnson, and let them know that you do not support their illogical and discriminatory plans to roll back these essential rights for trans people.
Brief addendum to address some bullshit in the replies:

Self ID will not unleash a wave of predatory men into women’s toilets because:

a) men have never needed to pretend to be women to commit rape, and,

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