2 Cents from somebody who works in events: Cancelling a con is not as easy as you think. As long as the organizer doesn't receive regulatory actions from the government they have to pay for all orders they've already placed themselves. And for a con you place A LOT of orders. https://twitter.com/DoKomi/status/1273184138921730048
A con generates money through the sale of booths and tickets. If the con doesn't take place y'all want your money back. However, orders for construction, advertising, flights for guests, hotels have already been placed and cannot be cancelled without fees.
So as ridiculous as it may sound to you (+ no matter if Dokomi takes place or not): Until they don't receive regulatory actions from the state of NRW they won't officially cancel the con because they'll have to come up with all costs themselves. I doubt Dokomi would survive this.
So please stop ranting about convention organizers not officially cancelling yet. For the most of us this is about financial survival and not about wanting to risk our visitors' lives.
A quick side-note: Channel your anger into the direction of the government. It's them who refuse to take action and make final decisions.
I organize two events in November and I've been in limbo since March.
Lastly: As somebody who organizes fairs for a living BELIEVE me that we are not without conscience. (I see many saying it's just about profit for us.) My colleagues and I go to work with a bad feeling every day. If cons take place we have to be there/put our life at risk, too.
Try to walk in our shoes for once: We have to work on something we don't know is going to happen. (To be fair nobody believes in it.) But we also don't know when/if it might be cancelled. And we can't cancel it ourselves because it means financial ruin.
It really f*cking sucks.
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