Karasuno VBC as Seventeen Members

(This may or may not have been done but I love these two with all of my heart so here we are.)
Sawamura Daichi/Choi Seungcheol

- obvs
- daichi may not share cheol's babie tendencies
- but they're both solid leaders who keep the peace in their teams
- would always let the others shine more than them
Sugawara Koushi/Yoon Jeonghan

- silver-haired angels with devilish tendencies
- need i say more?
- everyone calls them the moms of their teams
- they can be the most childish among the bunch
- they even have the same toothy smile đŸ„ș
- literal twins
Azumane Asahi/Joshua Hong

- definition of soft bois
- joshua has the wild streak asahi wants to have but fails at being
- big art hoe vibes
- we're also not going to mention the age-old carat joke abt josh that links him to jesus--i mean, asahi
Shimizu Kiyoko/Lee Jihoon

- hella cute even if they don't try to be
- usually blank-faced
- takes no one's bullshit
- everyone's a hoe for them
- tell me you don't see it
Oniku Squad/BooSeokSoon

- two other groups of three who share the same braincell
- also probably interchangeable tbh
- in charge of comedy
- hella intimidating if they want to be
Tanaka Ryuunosuke/Kwon Hoshi

- the most "senpai/sunbae" of the 3
- absolute softies on their younger members
- would do anything for them
- their laughs even sound the same
- also, soonhoon works for this thread no problem
- if you know, you know
Nishinoya Yuu/Lee Seokmin

- ok hear me out
- seok used to be so hard on himself pre-debut
- noya used to be scared of everything
- but they both overcame their hurdles
- and they're both one of the strongest presences in their teams now
- literal sunshines
Hinata Shoyou/Boo Seungkwan

- often bullied by the rest of the team bc they make it so easy
- dreams high and has the abilities to reach them
- can be snarky when they want to be
- uplifts people without really trying
- often the center of attention
- strong presence
Ennoshita Chikara/Jeon Wonwoo

- the most leader-like of the three
- deadpan bros
- they kinda look alike too
- wonu likes to read, and enno probably had to learn to love it too if he studied physical therapy
Narita Kazuhito/Vernon Choi

- reliable af
- imagine being able to play normally after coming in for tsukki in a pinch
- vernon is also that guy everyone can come to and just hang out with
- both don't usually speak up either
- chill vibes
Kinoshita Hasashi/Moon Junhui

- bros who also often don't come into the spotlight willingly
- expressive faces
- but just as kinoshita can rise up to challenge noya
- jun can be just as funny in doing gags as seokmin
Kageyama Tobio/Kim Mingyu

- mingyu's height gives him kageyama's scary aura
- but they're both just big puppies
- get teased a lot (along with hinata/seungkwan)
- kagehina works only bc mingyu and seungkwan bicker A LOT too
- just dorks honestly
Tsukishima Kei/Seo Myungho

- questions everything
- lanky bois
- clashes with kags/mingyu a lot it's hilarious
- unlike tsukki tho the8 is a little bit easier to approach
- it just doesn't look it lol
Yamaguchi Tadashi/Lee Chan

- last but not least
- the babies
- jk not babies anymore
- look soft and cuddly
- but intimidating as heck when they get In The Zone
And that's a wrap!
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