Just a little story about how Afrobeats Intelligence took the shape that it did. So I opened my Substack in January, but fear gripped me and held me back until March. 2 months later.

I was miserable, because it weighed heavily on my heart.
One day, after another round of complaints to my lady, she held me down and said "Hey, start this thing. You've been holding back, and its ruining your mental state."

First article was a stab in the wind. I had no idea what I was doing. I just did it. https://joeyakan.substack.com/p/ai-vol1-record-label-owners-arent
The reaction was encouraging, but it also meant I had to do back it up. When the next week came around, I was shaking again. I had nothing to write, nothing to offer. Never mind that I had lost a great-paying job, and was about to be homeless. I didn't have what to write.
So flipping through my Google Doc, I found that I had a forgotten Asa story. I had done the interview last September, and pitched it everywhere, but it was rejected roundly.

I said, since I have nothing to write, let me clean it up, package it and send it as a newsletter.
It seemed like genius, but it wasn't. It was a product of my brain not working, and me being scared of failing just after one edition. I published, and went to bed, convinced I was doing it wrong.

When I woke up, I was shocked by the reactions. https://joeyakan.substack.com/p/i-smoked-with-asaand-got-the-best
Quickly put together a second part to milk it. On the back end, I was scolded by the PR company. I didn't tell them I was using it. The title also was criticized by players involved: "You mentioned smoking with Asa?"

Well I did, and I roundly apologized, even if it did wonders.
That story showed me that there was something down this road, and since I had access and skill, I should explore it. I constantly seek to improve it. Always.

Now it's getting some traction, and a lot of great plans are afoot, but I always remind myself I am no genius.
I got lucky with AI. It's still early. Might luck might run out, I might self-sabotage, and everything will go bust.

But the point here is: Start that thing, and put one foot after the other. Might seem like it won't work, but hey, who's to know.
I don't know the future. If I didn't publish that Asa interview out of fear and sadness at having nothing to write, I would not have gotten the chance to serve both my industries at this capacity.

Just do you. Just do it. Even if you are shaking, and life looks bleak. Do it.
You can follow @JoeyAkan.
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