Jürgen Klopp after winning the Bundesliga in 2011 with Dortmund:

🗣️ “I was really wasted which may have been noticeable in some interviews. And I don’t remember much that makes any sense. I do remember one thing though and I’m not sure I’ve told anyone before.“
Jürgen Klopp:

🗣️ "I actually woke up on a truck in the garage. All alone. I remember that, but I have no idea about the hours before that.

I woke up, climbed out of the truck and found myself in a big factory hall. Then I walked across the yard and saw the silhouette of a man.”
Jürgen Klopp:

🗣️ “So I whistled because I can whistle quite loudly and I noticed the silhouette slowed down a little. So I waited and saw Aki Watzke (Hans-Joachim Watzke, Borussia Dortmund CEO). So Aki and I were the only people on this huge yard.”
Hans-Joachim Watzke:

🗣️ “Jürgen was finished. He always partied the hardest. He said to me, ‘Aki, I have to get out of here. So I said, ‘Let’s try our luck. We’ll just keep walking until someone passes.’

After 10 minutes or so, a car passed so I jumped out onto the road.”
Jürgen Klopp:

🗣️ “Aki held up an old Mercedes on the road. It was a Turkish fella in a station wagon. And Aki says ‘Take us to the Italian’. 'No I won’t drive you there.' he said.

So Aki reaches into his pocket, finds €200 and says ‘You will.’ He sees the money, 'OK'.
Jürgen Klopp:

🗣️ “Aki sits in the front, I sit back. I kept slamming my head into the side, I was a little tired. And I kept hearing ‘cluck, cluck, cluck’. What’s going on here? I thought I dreamed it. But I didn’t. The trunk was full of chickens.”
Hans-Joachim Watzke:

🗣️ “There were chickens, that’s correct. But there were also three dead rams he had just slaughtered but he probably didn’t notice that. Both those rams spread a pervasive smell through the car.”
Jürgen Klopp:

🗣️ “I don’t remember much more but I learned my lesson. The second year went much better. I made sure I paced myself.”
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