Ok so one thing, aside from everything, that bothers me about “gender critical” feminists is the idea that lesbians can’t be attracted to trans women because of primary and secondary sex characteristics.
Because a) obviously many trans women have the same secondary sex characteristics of cis women depending on their transition process but b) many cis women DONT have what we would identify as typical secondary sex characteristics.
So what these “gender critical” cis lesbians are really saying is they are only attracted to extremely typical, able bodied women. There’s something so ableist to me in saying that a specific part of someone’s body is enough that you would never even consider dating them.
Because in reality, even if you’re able bodied you’re in no way guaranteed to be so forever. I worked in a spinal cord injury unit and we had a doctor give a lecture of sexual gratification after a spinal injury.
In many cases the people with Spinal injuries had to find new ways for them and their partner to have sex and achieve orgasm. And it’s completely doable because human bodies are extremely diverse and one body type isn’t inherently superior to another.
So to me, when these cis lesbians go on about how they could never date a trans woman because of specific aspects of her body, it’s just really gross and implies so much, aside from also being really degrading to trans women.
I dunno I’m just word vomiting my thoughts so I apologize if I’m being disrespectful to any trans or disabled women. I just really hate when people use “preference” to mean “I only date people considered attractive by western standards”.
I also very much do not enjoy TERFs, who I only called gender critical in this thread in the hopes that they may see it and engage, because I’m kinda curious about how they would respond.
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