I had a really bad night last night over something I literally didn’t do and after attempting to address the situation with two different people, both ignored me and one is posting insecure and petty shit.
I got kicked from a discord group that I barely spoke in -
- and when I did it was ONLY to compliment islands. Suddenly I went to log into discord, find I’ve been kicked, and now both of the owners unfollowed me. One blocked and then unblocked.
The other is being RIDICULOUSLY childish and is subtweeting.
Supposedly I “baited” their partner even though I’ve only talked to females and only platonically- I’ve said a thousand times I’m in a relationship, we have a baby, we’re getting married. The ONLY thing I can think of is I changed my profile picture on discord, which-
- I’m FULLY clothed, I just look decent I guess.
PLEASE stop destroying communities because your relationship is not strong enough for a mutual to change her fucking profile picture, and then tweet about it.
That’s so fucking petty.
That AND the one being petty is the one who unfollowed me and made sure I’m still following to see the petty ass shit. It’s animal crossing. I don’t look even close to half as good as anyone else in the community. Chill the fuck out. I was sad and had a-
-depressive episode last night because of it. I vented to my boyfriend and contemplated saying anything. I didn’t do shit wrong. I didn’t interact, I didn’t say anything.
Overall this is bullshit.
I’m blocking them both and moving on. I’m not going into another episode because of someone like that. For context, this is the picture:
A certain part of me would love to specifically call them both out, him for enabling her psychotic behavior, and her for pulling that shit, but I’m better than that. I’m leaving this here and dropping it. IVE never interacted negatively or provocatively with anyone in AC. EVER.
You can follow @clairey_cat.
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