A student just emailed me with a very important question: what role does biology play in the determination of sex. She was asking with regards to supporting the trans community. A biologist might have a different answer, but as a sociologist, I said this: (1)
There is a huge debate in gender studies about what role biology actually plays. Tbh, we really don't know the extent of biological influence in the determination of both sex & gender (which are hard to pull apart from each other. Judith Butler would say both are constructed.(2)
I personally think biology does matter to people in their lived experiences (whether you are trans or cis), which is why trans people often undergo gender reassignment surgeries & take hormones. I fully support them in that choice.(3)
However, some do not & still identify with the gender not assigned to them at birth. I support them too. I think we need to realise biology matters, but we should also not pin down exactly how. The way it matters differs for different people, & that’s okay.(4)
For precision's sake, let me rephrase and say that Judith Butler would argue that sex and gender are both performative. I don't think she would agree with the term 'constructed'. 🙃
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