Fact about the Ancient Kanuris :

The Kanuri are the dominant ethnic group of Borno Province in northeastern Nigeria. They number over 3 million in Nigeria, about 500,000 in Niger, 100,000 in Chad, and 60,000 in Cameroon. They are called "Beri-beri" by the Hausa.
1. What Are Their Lives Like?

Most of the Kanuri are farmers; however, they usually practice some other occupation during the dry season. Those who farm raise millet as their staple crop, and supplement it with sorghum,corn, and peanuts. They raise sheep, goats, and some horses.
The Kanuri who live in cities are involved in government jobs, public service, construction, transportation, and commerce. The Kanuri who have occupations that are related to politics or religion have a very high social status.
2. What Are Their Beliefs?
The Kanuri have been Muslims since the eleventh century. The Koran emphasizes the importance of the family and the authority of the father. Women are considered inferior to men in the Islamic scriptures, and are treated as such in Kanuri society.
Some folk beliefs are still practiced in conjunction with Islam. Charms and amulets are worn around the neck or in pockets for various reasons. There is a charm to ensure a good pregnancy for a mother. There is also one to keep the ghost of the dead from haunting its descendants.
3. What is Kanuri marriage like?
The Kanuri traditional marriage rites are very simple and in accordance with Islamic injunctions to express 'love' between the couple. Reverence for the 'waliyyi', the giver, who could be her father or guardian is expressed.
Observance of 'sadau', which is the dowry; 'sigga', the act of asking and acceptance between the family of the bride and groom; and their witnesses.
4. Kanuri Food:
The main food for the Kanuri people are millet in soups or rice, and corn. Kanuri people do a little hunting for the purpose of what hunting done- meat. They herd cattle for beef. Kanuri people also harvest leaves and fruit to eat.
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