Not all is well with Germany & #COVID19. Here is the governor of the German region where I live (NRW), blaming a recent outbreak on "Romanians and Bulgarians" working in a slaughterhouse đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž
This is misleading for several reasons. First of all Bulgaria and Romania have mostly fared better than Germany through the crisis
Also, we know from polls that the German public overrates their country's #COVID19 performance, while underrating that of other countries (see thread below). In this context, I worry that any resurgence will be framed as 'foreigner's fault'
It certainly gives plenty of scope to dog-whistle politics. (ends)
PS2: NRW's Governor Laschet could well become Angela Merkel's successor at the helm of the CDU and the country's
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