Throughout the turmoil in my personal life (and believe me, there IS a Lot of turmoil), the ONE thing that has been a constant these past 4 months is peace. The Peace of Christ has invaded my entire life, so that no weaponized tool formed against me has prospered.
satan has been
throwing stones and bricks, and I've just been building a well lit bridge with them. Keep 'em coming devil!! You're gonna give me enough to bridge a gap on this narrow path!!!
I am definitely becoming more focused towards the real goal - #EternalLife with Jesus. How about you?
Has the noise that the ruler of this world wants you to be swamped with been getting to you? Or are you just going about your Father's Business too?
Only you can answer that question, but I pray that you are also focused not on this dying world, but on saving the lost around you.
Whether they are the lost outside of the church, or the lost sitting in the pews, we NEED to be about Our Father's Business. Keep drawing near to Christ peeps. Wear your spiritual armor, and keep focused upon the future.
THIS world is done for, no amount of trying to salvage it
will achieve anything of significance, but... Saving souls... Sowing seeds... Now THAT is something of lasting value. Remember that this life is a vapor, and that most of what we have will be burned away as chaffe, so start gearing yourselves up for the future. Why?
The change is
already starting to show. While this May not be the End Times, we are definitely in the last stages before those End Times. Seek wisdom, seek boldness, seek a deeper walk with GOD. Let us strengthen ourselves to HIS Purpose, HIS Will, HIS Plan. It is time to walk in accordance to
HIS Divine WILL, and do as we should, and OBEY GOD. The closer we abide in HIM, the more Peace we will have, and the more strength we can draw to do HIS Will.
Be ready for a rough ride folks. This is NOT gonna be easy to see happening, but as long as we focus our eyes on Christ,
we WILL get through it. So allow the ruler of this dying world to do whatever, let him make noise. It no longer is our world to actively be participating in. We are just stuck here for a bit longer.
I pray that the Peace of Christ invades your life too. I truly do.
GOD Bless you.
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