It is not the blacks committing acts of violence against whites that are wrong here

They are simply behaving in accordance with basic rules of nature that all animals get

In nature any species that doesnt drive other competing species out from its land/resources will go extinct
Have you ever seen some species of animal invite some competing species into its territory & share its food and resources and feed the other species' offspring

No that would never happen

Such a species would go extinct

Which is exactly what's happening to the European race
Your country/society has been hijacked by a group of parasitic outsiders that is forcefully taking the wealth generated by the white population and handing it over to fast breeding non-whites (many of them freshly imported) who are then brainwash with anti-white hate propaganda
While simultaneously brainwashing the white population with anti-natalist propaganda, pornography and pretty much anything which can trick young women into having no children during their fertile years
You have no idea how fucking serious the situation is

When looked at from a historical and evolutionary perspective the European race is going extinct FAST

In 200 years or less European/White people will be extinct like the dinosaur this is 100% happening
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