Hi there bi lesbians are a thing and if you disagree then block me and move on.

Those of you who disagree are the same TERFs who claim non-binary and he/him lesbians aren't a thing so I don't want anything to do with you. Bye!!!
Educate yourselves!! https://twitter.com/SayoAntiLesSep/status/1268581873988644865
The reason the bi lesbian discourse really gets to me is the arguments are scarily close to the "gold star lesbian" arguments. I was straight, bi, pan, and then finally settled on lesbian. Because I've dated and kissed men, does that mean I'm not "lesbian enough" for you?
This is how you sound. "Lesbians can't have any attraction to men so bi lesbians are invalid. That identity invalidates and offends me."

Just because someone else likes to kiss boys, doesn't make you any less of a lesbian. Grow up.
For those of you coming after me like I’m not also a lesbian, you can fuck right off. I’m not less of a lesbian than you just because we disagree on something and the implication of that is making me sick to my stomach.
At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what you think. You can’t tell people how they should or shouldn’t identify. I’m not gonna tell a trans woman she isn’t welcome in a sapphic space just as I’m not going to tell a bi woman she’s not welcome in a sapphic space.
And for those of you telling me you’re “big fans” and then going and explaining to me why I should vilify someone else’s choices in life, then it’s time for you to not be here. My content isn’t for exclusionists of any kind. Period.
Also for the record you’re siding with people who came into my mentions literally telling me to burn and kill myself. So maybe that should be part of your consideration in this matter.
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