Magnesium needs to cut me a check I’m putting the girls on. Anyway y’all if you want no more menstrual cramps take magnesium malate or magnesium chloride and fast from sugar and alcohol for a week or so. It helps the muscle spasms but you will be shitty booty.
I’m on my 3rd shit or so I went wild on it bc I wasn’t consistent but let me tell you the magnesium chloride taste like shit but it’s worth it when you not cramping and you can stunt on bitches for an extra TWO DAYS OR SO. Fuck the game up in exchange for fucking up your toilet.
To not end up like me bc I did about, 5k mg worth in 3 days bc I know my body anyway.
Take 200 of magnesium malate and 200 mg of magnesium chloride. They have topical options but if 1000mg is too much, cut it in half. Also I’m not a doctor whatever you do ain’t my business.
Also if you’re moody magnesium helps with that. A bit of a warning:
• Sugar depletes magnesium
• Smoking depletes magnesium
Some of y’all are gonna prefer cramps and that’s fine only the strong will survive the discipline. I know I be failing sometimes but I’m relentless.
Also yeah I was going to add if you have mental health problems magnesium is the one for you. It really will regulate you hormonally. It’s good for the gut so it’s gonna balance your mind too. Period.
Oh and yes topical is a better bet but having it in your body is important. Balance! If you don’t want the bowel effects you can easily do topical. I understand. I’m difficult as hell and I make this healthy shit kinda miserable bc I have the endurance like a Scorpio off maca.
Also I been on this inconsistent magnesium journey for about a year now I just know how to handle it for my body. I needed to detox anyway so this was really good for me. It’s clearing mental fog and I have more energy. I’m benefitting 🥰
This is what I take.
Now if you don’t wanna be like me only take a half dropper and 1 pill I would suggest so y’all won’t beat my ass. I suggest you do it on a weekend so you won’t be in trouble. I did mine while I was out bc I just know what I can handle even if I do a lot.
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