When I worked at this tutoring centre and we got a new manager she told me they installed cameras and they're watching me to see what I'm doing at work so I can't lie (abt stealing from them basically with no evidence or backing) she was low-key islamophobic I'm sure
cuz WTF WHO TF SAYS THAT for literally no reason and to no one else??? There was so much other stuff I wanted to sue them for discrimination so bad but I was like whatever
She had a problem with me taking 5 min breaks once every shift to pray when my coworker was a heavy smoker and took smoking breaks every hour and she didn't care abt that
When I told her I wanted to reduce my hours and let's talk about what can be done she told all my coworkers I quit before talking to me about it, and they called me up and are like u quit?? And I'm like uhh no and found it it's what she told them all
She was also one of those white ppl who claimed she doesn't discriminate cuz "the owners husband is black & she has friends who are poc and hires poc" lmaoO and the praying issue she had makes me thing she was low-key islamophobic
Anyways there was a lot of other stuff and theres no point to this thread except ppl like her suck
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