cw / queer discourse thread™️ incoming ???

..other lgbt ppl can feel free to reply. cishet allies ily but this doesnt need ur input.

anyway it's mostly just me getting my thoughts together;; but pls keep it civil either way. 🙇🙇🙇
man i totally understand that im a person whos previously been on the wrong side of understanding and accepting ''new'' concepts like neopronouns, or even demisexuality, but over time as i learned more and spoke to more people the more i realized that -
even if something is considered a 'microlabel', if its not hurting anyone, and it makes the person feel less alone and more accepted by themselves and others, then like, fuck it. go for it. im not used to saying fae/faeself, but thats MY problem and ill just have to learn! -
HOWEVER... the usage of things like bi gay or pan lesbian.. those.. directly contradict..??? and DO in fact harm actual gay, lesbian, bi & pan people? not to mention also Nonbinary folks?.. you CAN be gay and attracted to nonbinary people. you can be a nonbinary lesbian. etc. -
the ONLY argument ive seen that made any sense was while talking to a 'bi gay' person who was trans-masc nb and dating another nb person who strictly wasn't comfortable with 'gay men' being attracted to them, because it implied that they were also a man..?? -
& so the person was using 'bi gay' to mean attracted to dudes & nonbinary ppl... which is... not.. ideal..

but i gUESS they did have a point in that there's not really a term for '+ attraction to nb folk'???

but i do NOT think that 'bi gays & bi lesbians' are the solution.. 💀
while i am still replying to individual threads within this thread i gotta point out real quick that- i am not a lesbian. i have never been a lesbian. i have lesbian friends, thats all.

so please 1000% feel free to disregard anything i say on the ~lesbian side~ of this issue 🥴
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