If you are an Atlanta police officer, the apparent expectation is that if a suspect resists arrests, wrestles you and your partner to the ground, steals a taser, then fires it at you, you will be prosecuted for shooting him even if you are justified in doing so under APD rules.
Even if the DA is correct that the officer in this case kicked the suspect after the shooting, that would justify the assault charge, not the felony murder charge. The simple film does not justify that charge by any stretch of the imagination.
Police won't operate under these conditions. Swaths of police officers are considering early retirement. We're about to see a massive crime wave across America's major cities, and it's entirely the product of Leftist slander about cops. Atlanta is just the beginning.
A new study from Devi and Fryer looked at the homicide aftermath in cities (Baltimore, Chicago, Cincinnati, Ferguson, Riverside) in which PDs were investigated after "viral" killings. Result: 900 excess murders, 34,000 excess felonies. Now extrapolate those numbers more broadly.
Also worth noting: 58 percent of APD's full-time sworn personnel was black as of December 2016.
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