nah let me put y’all on.... because i am living right now.
so iigh boom. for starters i’m high as shit. cool. and i wanted taco bell. like i just had to. so cool. the taco bell near me is ALWAYS crowded yo.
so i don’t bother w. sis. so i’m chilling like. i want taco bell. bet. i downloaded the app. and i placed my order. i pull up... the spot is dead. nobody in the drive thru. no lights..... i was boutta cry. like why when i actually get taco bell it’s closed?? but the app said ok
i pull up and i’m like lemme say hello in the speaker anyway. so i did that. and the lady talks back. she’s like hello? is this jasmine? i’m like wow yes. she’s like ok pull up to the window
did that. she’s ready. a whole ice tea waiting for me. i’m like “i didn’t order a beverage” lmfao (a beverage). she’s like “just take it” i did. mind you i’m in the car w. my brother & he got dunkin’ donuts. he got hash browns. i’m like oouu can i get one
he gives me one. i’m like damn i wish i got a bev from taco bell (they shits hit) so for the lady to give me a beverage was like wooowww. this is great. it was a yummy ice tea. i think it’s passion fruit.
mind u y’all i only ordered a 5layerbeefyburrito and a doritos taco. and she asked me what kind of sauce. but i don’t eat sauce w. that. but i said hot sauce....
i get home and look at the bottom of my bag. a chicken quesadilla 🥺
... oh. nvm y’all. i ordered that quesadilla 😞 lmfaoooo i gtg.
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