This paper has come a long way! Never thought it would actually get published. Thought I'd share a bit about the background story...
I wrote the first draft in 2017 for my comps (PhD qualifying exam). @BrianLickel and @Dasgupta_Psych were on my committee and they thought we could develop it into a manuscript.
In 2018, @eminasub gave me detailed feedback and advice on the paper after we met at the @SASPoutreach summer school.
In 2019, there was a call for papers by EJSP @easpinfo on 'Solidarity in the Spotlight: Understanding Allies' Participation in Social Change'. So we decided to submit our paper there.
In 2020, we heard we got a revise and resubmit. By chance, I got to meet Nurit Shnabel a few months ago at a small group workshop in Zurich. She also gave me detailed feedback on the paper.
I guess I'm sharing all this because I feel it's not clear sometimes how a paper goes from a "shitty first draft" to published. It took a LOT of good mentoring and detailed feedback! #AcademicChatter
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