They did a great job... powerful stuff!
Unfortunately there's a gun store here owned by this nasty hateful guy named Dale. He decided to hold a "2A/All Lives Matter" at the same time as the march 😐
The "counterprotesters", we'll call them, came with long assault style guns that served no purpose other than to menace and intimidate the protesters... a clear act of racism
A guy named Christian Hoyt, who owns Sweet Fern Farm and sells meat to local restaurants like Magnolia's and Market Table Bistro in Lovettsville, came to hang out.
A couple named Gabe & Lisa Harcrow were there... Gabe's in the Reserves and has a security clearance with a government contactor. Lisa owns "Loudoun Lawn Expressions" a sign printing company. When their pics hit the internet, the Harcrows came to my house to intimidate me...
There was also this racist ass "Nurse"
And these yahoos...
Here's a couple of his personal posts...
And then, just today, the long time Treasurer of our county, Roger Zurn, posted this meme on his personal FB page before quickly removing it...
Not too long ago a Loudoun County Sherrif was spotted driving in this car in the county...
I know racism has always been here and it's just easier to expose nowadays... but, seriously... these are all blatant acts of racism committed by people who are REALLY comfortable... what the fuck is going on in Loudoun County VA?
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